Chapter 7 A Private Lesson

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Okay, so yesterday, they were having a history test. Ella could luckily get through it smoothly, thanks to her teamwork with Jiro. But on Friday, that means, the day after tomorrow, she’ll having a physic test.

‘AAARRGHHH!’ She was hoping that by yelling out loud in her mind, can make her mind clearer so that she could receive all the information that she needed for the test, but doing that, was useless.

So did shaking her head as hard as she could.

Nothing happen.

She still didn’t get about physics. It was totally…… useless.

How much she hope that she could eat the ‘memory bread’, one of Doraemon’s magic stuff, that can make her remember everything by just putting the bread on the book and then eat it. It surely will help, except, if you already let it out again and flush it in the toilet on the morning rituals (you know what I mean).

But, then again, it’s just a dream of her, in the reality, there she was, in the library, facing her thick book of math, with Chun sitting next to her, using his full effort to tutoring her.

“So, you got it, Elle? If you take this x and add it with y … blah….blah….blah…” he said seriously while Ella was started to dozing off.

“Get up!” He cried out as soon as he noticed that Ella didn’t pay her attention to his lesson.

“Easy, Chun. I was too tired.”

“Oh, no your NOT! You were lazy!”

“I’m not. I just feel that it was useless. I wont succeed in physic.”

“Says who? You wont succeed in anything if you were like this.” Chun said.

“I hate physics.”

“But still, you have to learn it! Here, come closer, I’ll teach you a secret way for doing this problem. I got it from my tutoring place.” He said while grabbing Ella’s chair nearer to his.

Ella grumbled but she did scoot in nearer to Chun. She leaned her head closer to his head. In this such a quite distance it’s easy for both of them to feel others breath. Ella was not disturbed by that, but Chun, in the other hand, was feeling something weird inside him.

‘She was a way too close to me. I can feel her breath. That makes me can’t breath properly.’ He thought secretly. ‘Her hair was spreading a sweet gentle fragrance too.’ Thinking about that he was about reaching his hand to her soft hair, but he managed himself not to. He blushed suddenly.

“Okay, so if we put the mass of water… Hey, Chun, what’s wrong with your face? It was turning red. Are you getting fever or something?” Ella suddenly asked when she noticed that Chun’s face was blushing. What she didn’t know was that he blushed because of her, not because of stupid fever.

“Ah! No! I just feel a little bit hot in here.” He lied.

“Oh, sorry, I think I was sitting a way too close to you. But honestly, I like to be near you. You smells good, Chun.” She smiled.

Once again, what Ella didn’t know is that her words had already make Chun’s heart skip a beat. He feels a kind of weird sensation tickling inside his stomach too. He rubbed his stomach.

“What’s wrong with you stomach? Are you hungry?” Ella asked him with a naïve face.

“I think so.” Chun answered shortly. ‘Gees, this girl surely didn’t have any idea of what she just said.’ He thought.

“Then lets find something to eat.” She stand happily.

“I know you were doing this so you don’t have to study physic, don’t you Elle?” He said a little disappointed. ‘Huh? Dissapointed? Me? Why?’ He thought not believing him self. ‘Was I disappointed because our lesson is over so I wont sitting closely to her like this again? DEFFINETELY NOT!’ he shook his head hardly.

“Are you feeling dizzy now, Chun?” Ella asked him. “You’re acting weird today, you know that?”

“No! I’m just hungry! Lets go!”

“YYEEI!” Ella smiled widely.

“But you can’t escaped, Elle. We will continue our lesson after that.” He smirked.

“Gees!” She pouted.



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