Chapter 22 He Feels - She Feels

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Last chappie guys.. enjoy..


If Ella couldn’t sleep that night, Chun was having his best sleep ever in his entire life. He dreamt about Ella, again and again. He dreamt that Ella was kissing him with her soft and warm lips, just like when she kissed him back then at the prom. It was the sweetest kiss that Chun ever felt.

The next day, students have to come back to the school, no matter how tired they were after having a great prom last night. They all have to attend the last graduation ceremonial and receiving their yearly books. After the longest ceremony that they think they’ve ever attended, that made Ella had to eat lots and lots of lemonade candies to make her stay awake during the procession, all the students went back to their classroom. So did Chun, Ella, and the rest of the gank. It was Selina who approaching Ella first and hug her, then Hebe who hug her too and crying. Aaron then comfort her. Ella smiled secretly in her heart. As they were sharing all the joys and sadness together, suddenly Ella felt that someone has been staring at her. No doubt that the person was Chun, who look at her with his eyes full of love. But unfortunetly Ella didn’t see his attention as a loving way, that’s why she asked rudely,

“What the heck are you looking at?”

“Huh? I was..” Chun’s word was cut off by Wilber.

“I think Chun was thinking about having a revenge after you stole his first kiss last night!” He smirked.

‘Honestly, this man just made it worst.’ Chun thought.

“No, Ella. I.. I..” Chun stuttered.

“What?” She stroke a dead glare at him.

“You have a responsible to him Ella. This naïve man was really shocked that his first kiss was stolen by you last night.” Jiro added and grinned but then Selina smacked his head.

“Ouch! What was that for?” Jiro whined.

“Just shut the hell up!” Selina glared at him.

“Hey, stop blabbering about my first kiss, will ya?” Chun was really upset.

“Yeah, it’s not his first kiss anyway.” Ella said in an annoying-tone.

‘That’s it! If she didn’t really believe in me, then she should…’ Chun was thinking hard in his mind. Then, suddenly, he grabbed Ella’s wrist and drag her out of the class. The rest of the students just saw them in silence.

“Let me go!” Ella screamed.

“No way I will do that!”

“Where do you want to take me?” Ella screamed.

Chun was remains silence.

“Let me go off, Chun!” Ella was trying to struggle her hands out of his grip but nothing happen. Finally, after several struggles, she take the hint that she wont win against a huge man like Chun, that’s why she just shut her mouth up and follow him willingly then.

After they reach a spot that Chun think is private enough to make their conversation, he let go of her wrist. Nervously, he begin to talk.

“Look, Ella..”

Ella who was rubbing her wrist, look at him desperately.

“What do you want, Chun?” She asked.

“I was telling you the truth. Last night, it was my first kiss. I never kiss Angela. I just couldn’t kiss her even that we’re dating.” This time, it’s him who feel desperate.

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