Chapter 18 The Death Trap

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Ella was thinking hard in her mind. What she just had done, which is dealing a silly bet with Ariel, will be a death trap that she set for herself in any minute. If there is a guy who give her a rose, then she should kiss someone.

That means she had to give a guy her precious first kiss.

She didn’t dumb.

She know exactly who is the one that she want to kiss badly, but if she do that clearly, everybody will know that she had this huge crush on him.


Nuh- uh, she wont do it, especially if there’s Milana hanging around her. That gossipy girl will spread it out everywhere, and in the end of the prom, even the whole world will have heard that.

So, she was thinking of a simple way out so that she could release herself from this bet. She know that it will be fifty-fifty for her chance of not receiving any rose so she didn’t have to kiss a boy and another chance that someone will give her a rose, so she should give up her first kiss ever.

But, no matter how hard she pushed her brain to work on such things, nothing had come up to her mind.

“Aargh! Thinking of it makes me thirsty. Girls. I want to grab some strawberry punch, do you want some?” Ella asked her friends.

“Again? Aren’t you feel afraid that your stomach will be sick?” Ariel asked full of concern.

“No, I’m not. I’m really thirsty.” She stood from her chair.

“Ok, I’ll go with you. I want to grab some chips too.” Ariel then follow her.

On their way to the buffet table, someone was approaching them quickly. Then, he called her name,

“Hey, Elle.”

It was Joe, a second year boy that admired Ella so much. He was wearing a white tuxedo so that means he was one of the juniors in white.

“Oh, hi Joe.” Ella smiled sweetly, Ariel just nodded her head.

“You look so gorgeous tonight. Well usually you’re already pretty, but tonight were even more.” He smiled and looked amazed.

“Gee, thanks. Anyway, what are you doing here?” Ella blushed.

“Oh, I was one of the flowers courier, you know the flower stand, don’t you? You could send your beloved one a rose if you ordered there.” He answered.

“Oh, yes, Hebe told me that.”

“So, uh, this is for you.” Joe mumbled while handed her a beautiful red roses. His cheek was blushing.

“Oh, no.” Ella whispered.

“Pardon?” Joe asked.

“Oh, nothing. Thanks anyway, it’s really pretty.” Ella received the rose shyly.

“Ok, I guess, I’ll see you later then.” Joe leaved with a wide grin on his face.

“Uh, huh.” Ella was still shocked. She didn’t think that Joe would give her a rose. She went blank for a moment, but Ariel was too excited of what was just happen in front of her.

‘A boy give Ella a rose, that means that Ella should kiss someone, tonight.’ Ariel thought. If she was the one that can choose the person that Ella had to kiss, she would definitely choose Chun coz she know that Ella was head over heels about him. But, she didn’t had the right anymore, since Ella said that she would choose the person that she had to kiss by herself. Ariel was really sure that Ella would pick Chun too, so nothing to worried about. Ariel was smiling widely, almost ear to ear like what Jiro always done. Suddenly, she thought that it was already the time for Ella to go back to reality.

“ROGER! Earth to Ella! Hallo!” Ariel was calling Ella while flipping her fingers in front of the blanked looked Ella.

“Hoh?” Ella asked blankly.

“Don’t act like a stupid! You know what to do, with that rose in your hand?” Ariel smirked, then she grabbed Ella to the place where Selina, Hebe, and Milana were waiting for them.

“Girls, Ella had a rose.” Ariel grinned.

“What? From who?” Selina giggled.

“From Chun?” Milana asked.

“Tell me! Tell us!” Hebe insisted.

“From Joe.” Ella answered shortly.

“Who’s Joe?” Milana asked.

“Urgh, just ignored her!” Hebe said.

“So, Elle, you should do what you had promised to do.” Selina giggled.

“Pick someone, and kiss him.” Ariel smiling.

‘Go on, pick Chun! Pick Chun! Pick Chun!’ Selina, Hebe, Ariel, and Milana were screaming in unison in their mind.

“Uh, should I have to do this?” Ella whining, the rest of the girls were just nodding their heads.

“Uh, ok. I will kiss… the first guy that walk through that bridge.” Ella said.

The rest of the girls were shocked.

“What? Are you sure? You don’t want to kiss Chun or someone that you already know? I mean it’s like a gamble, you’ll never know who will walk through that bridge for sure.” Ariel was screaming.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Ella answered bravely.



Is Ella was digging her own grave?

What do you think? Hehehe^-^

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