Chapter 19 The Prince Who Got The Kiss

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She was getting crazy.

Too many strawberry punch can cause a serious damage on someone’s brain.

That was one thing for sure that Selina, Hebe, Ariel, and Milana thought about Ella.

They couldn’t believe that Ella would do such an idiot thing like that. They all, including Milana, know, that Ella had already fallen for Chun, although they didn’t sure about Chun’s feelings toward her, but they know that this bet would be a perfect way to find out about it. But, unfortunately, the stupid Ella was ruining it.

‘She choosed to kiss the first guy who walk through the bridge. Seriously, where was her brain? Is it sink in the strawberry punch or evaporate with it? Puhleaase!’ Selina, Hebe, Ariel, and of course, Milana were thinking seriously in each of their mind.

“Ok, missy. Let’s find out, who will be the lucky guy that get the virgin first kiss of yours.” Ariel said while she grabbed Ella’s hand and approaching to the bridge. Selina, Hebe, and Milana were tailing them. They stop nearly in front of the bridge.

The girls were seriously looking of the guests that had jus arrived. They saw Jolin and Gillian walking through the bridge and waved at them, they waved them back and smiled. They waited patiently as the guests started heading their way inside the hall. Two girls, five girls… and then Chun.

The first guy who walked through the bridge was CHUN.

Everyone was shocked.

But then, Ella who was the first one that can get her consciousness back, approached to him.

“Great, we’re all had been fooled.” Selina said as they watched Ella walked to Chun.

“By who?” Ariel asked.

“Something called DESTINY.” Selina answered.

Ella’s heart was thumping fast inside her. She never thought that Chun would walk through that bridge. Of course he should do that to reach the center hall, he was one of the guests, but Ella honestly never expected that luck would be on her side that easy.

‘God, is this the sign from you to make me confess about my feelings about him? Why is it to be him?’ Ella nervously pray in her mind on her way approaching Chun.

Chun look at Ella, somehow, he smirked.

‘Crap! Definitely not, I guess. Just a coincidence. A stupid coincidence.’ Ella was very upset when she saw his reaction towards her. She thought that Chun must be feels that she was really funny because he smirked at her.

What Ella didn’t know, is that Chun was actually really nervous seeing the very drop- dead gorgeous Ella approaching him like that. He didn’t feel ready yet that he let out his famous smirked on his face.

“Evening Chun, nice outfit you wear.” Ella grinned. She was trying to act as naturally as she could to covered up her disappointment.

“Really? Same as yours.” He grinned. His heart was thumping too fast. He grabbed his own left chess, hoping it would beating slower.

“So, why are you late? It’s a relief that I’m not going with you, coz I’ll miss the yummy foods already if I had.” Ella smiled, in an angelic way. 100% hotter that can melt Chun’s heart easily.

“Gulp, uh, that stupid Jiro was loosing his shoes, that made us to go to the mall and shop for a new one before we get here.” His face was blushing red.

“HEYYA, HEYYA, GUYS! GUUT EVENING FOR ALL THE GUESTS! GLAD TO SEE ALL OF YOU HERE. NOW, NOW, WHY DON’T YOU ALL JOIN ME IN THIS JOYFULL MUSICS? LET’S DANCE ALL NIGHT LONG!!” A very loud and cheerful voice was heard in the entire hall. It was Renji, a vocalist from a very famous band ‘4theitchz’. Suddenly, all of the student were approaching him and gathered in front of the stage. The band was playing their single. Everyone started to dance.

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