Chapter 17 Finally, the prom!

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Ella now was in Ariel’s car. She was promising that girl to go to the prom together. Actually, Chun was asking her to go to the proms with him, but Ella rejected his offer although she knew it was a very tempted offer to accepted.

She refuse it because of two reasons.

First, she already promised to Ariel that she will go to the prom with her (although she pretty sure that Ariel will let Ella go with Chun if she knew about this).

The second is, Ella didn’t want to go with Chun as she couldn’t imagined what will she do if she left alone just with Chun in his car.

Yeah, she might have attacked Chun in their way to the proms.

Attack him with all her power that she got, right on his sexy lips.

Ella had been tempted to crushed her lips to Chun’s ever since the carnival.


After the silly misunderstood was finally settled, and Jiro and Selina was finally announced to everyone that they were a couple now, everything was back to normal. And when I said normal, it means that Ella and Chun was already stick to each other as like it was an invisible glue between them, just like before. Whenever Ella goes, Chun was always following her, of course bathroom is the exception.

And another happy news was come from Hebe and Aaron who were secretly dating each other since a couples of weeks ago. Everybody was shocked, though, but they were all happy.

And today, is the carnival day. Their class finally held it out on their school yard. A group of their friends were working on a food court, Tommy and Mark were having their own tattoo stall, some of the girls were practicing to perform a dance, some of the boys were making a band, and Ella, Chun and the rest of the ganks were working out on their game stand. Ella was borrowing Mark’s can collection as a target for one of the game. People should throw that cans so that they could get some interesting presents. Ella was having a deal with Mark-the-talk-to-me-and-you’ll-be-dead-guy, he said that Ella should take a good care of all of his precious cans, if there’s any single can that broke, Ella had to pay him with her life. (Yeah, I was just too much with that! Tehee..).

As day was getting hotter, since the sun was rested exactly above their head, which that means it’s about 12 o’clock in the noon, Ella and Chun asked for their break time. They were hanging around the carnival together. They saw Tommy was drawing a rose tattoo to a junior’s neck, she was giggling nonstop in the process while Tommy was pouting his mouth because he couldn’t draw the tattoo well as her body was always shacking.

Ella and Chun was stopped in front of Guigui’s fortune teller stand too and amazed by the long queue in front of it that made by people who want to asked bout their own fortune. Guigui was always famous for her sixth sense. Everybody believe in her.

So much interesting things happen in that carnival, but Ella and Chun was interested to a mysterious stand of their friend, Milana. Actually, at first they only want to take a look while Ella was finishing her pink cotton candy that Chun had bought for her, but then Milana suddenly came out from her stand and pulled Ella’s hand and Chun together into her stand. Her stand was actually a big red tent, and people from outside couldn’t glimpse at what might happened inside, that made it looked a little bit mysterious. A huge board that hanging in front of the tent said “The Tunnel of Love”.

Actually, it was just a title. What happened inside couldn’t be described as a tunnel of love at all.

It was a ghost house in disguise.

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