Chapter 3 A Bunch Of Awkward Guys

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“So, tell me about your new class.” Ariel asking Ella in their way home.

“Well, it’s kinda half horror and half so-so.” Ella’s answering while sipping into her juice.

“What kind of answer is that? I want to hear a complete one. Come on Ella, shoot it. I’m all ears.” Ariel whining to her best friend who looks rather miserable that day.

“Well, yeah, I have Ms. Honey as our head teacher..” Ella paused for a second.

“That’s a great thing, since I know you like her so much.” Ariel’s nodding. “Go on.”

“Then, I sit with four guys in one time.” Ella’s speaking with a low voice.

“Wha? What? I don’t get it.” Ariel’s frowning.

“Yeah, I sit with grandpa, Jiro, and then, two more guys. There are five of us in a row.” Ella’s answering her with a blank expression.

“But, how come?”

“Jiro insists to go to our class, he used to be belong to your class before, but then suddenly he decided to go to our class. Don’t know why. So, there are more pupils that we had normally in our class. Jiro even should ask for an additional chair and table for himself.” Ella’s mumbling unclearly.

“Such an arrogant guy. So, tell me, who are the rest of the guys?” Ariel’s complaining and pouting her own lips, then she suddenly smile.

“There’s this guy, a cute one, named Aaron. He doesn’t talk to much. And then the guy next to him, named Mark, is a type of a ‘talk-to-me-and-you’ll-be-dead’ guy. Not too friendly, both of them. The guy in front of me, is better I guess, this ‘nobi’ guy, named Chun.” Ella’s explaining while lying her head back to the bus seat and closing her eyes, frowning, trying to remember her new classmates.

“What is ‘nobi’ guy? Is that even a word?” Ariel’s giggling.

“Well, nobi as nobi nobita, doraemon’s best friend, don’t you know?” Ella’s answering, still closing her eyelids.

“Hum, I know that Chun guy. But, wait a minute, isn’t he, too big and too muscular to be called nobi? Hehehe.” Ariel’s covering her little mouth while smiling, thinking about hunky Chun being called rudely as nobi.

“Whatever, he wear glasses anyway.” Ella annoyed by Ariel’s giggles.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Ariel’s still trying to covered up her chuckles. “And then?”

“The last one is a guy called Tommy. Another quite one. That’s all. The point is, I’m surrounded by a bunch of awkward guys. Well, enough about me, tell me yours!” Ella’s finally opened her eyes, looking straight to Ariel.

“Nothing special with me. I met Helen, and sit with her. That’s all. But you know what? From my perspective point of view, you’re so lucky surrounded by those dudes. I mean, I know Jiro, Calvin, Chun, and Aaron. The four of them was all the girls wanted.” Ariel’s smiling.

“Seriously, all I want just peace. Besides, what if I’m in a somekind of condition that is un apropriate to reveal in front of guys. What should I do?” Ella looks so desperate.

“Such as?”

“Uhm, what if, my woman’s period get over me, and they busted me having a red spot on my skirt?” Ella’s asking with a serious face, her eyes becomes wet.

“Oh, dear. You don’t have to worried about that. I bet the guys will understand your condition, but let’s hope it’ll never be happen. Hahaha.” Ariel’s trying to calmed her down, rubbing her back softly.

“I wish I was in the same class with you, Mermaid.” Ella’s sobbing.

“Hey, you already said that for a couples of time today.”

“And I don’t mind to say it again even more than hundreds of times if it can makes me go to the same class with you, or Jolin, or Gillian. Who ever works! As long as I’m not alone.” Ella’s tears running out smoothly from her bright eyes.

“Oh, you silly girl. You’re a tomboyish but so easy to get cry. You know you’re not alone. Trust me. You just need more times to know your new class and classmates. I believe they’re not that bad.” As Ariel’s trying to calm her down, Ella’s already get her feet back on the ground.

“You know what? You’re right! Just let it flow! I’ll take every of the consequences. Just bring it to me!” Ariel’s smile spread out when she heard a very positive tone voice of her best friend. Ella is such a moody girl. No one exactly knows her ups and downs, even herself. She could be so angry of something and then laugh at it in a second. Just like this time, so desperate about something and then turning so confident about it in a flash.

“Already on fire, don’t you? Let’s not make it worthless. We’re going on the court this evening to get some basketball work out.” Ariel’s smiling while dragging Ella out of the bus whose now pouting her little lips.

“Never let any chances to lose those pounds, don’t you? I preferably go on biking than a basketball game this evening if you don’t mind.” Ella’s frowning while crossing her both arms in front of her breast.

“Then, biking it is tonight, Ms. Moody.” Ariel’s giggling.

Both of the girls kinda having a target of losing their weight before the prom. Ariel’s father was suggesting that they should go to the gym, but his daughter and Ella more prefer to work out without spending a lot of money, such as playing basketball, biking, or even jogging around their neighborhood. Actually, it is not necessary for both of the girls to work hard on their shapes and looks coz without that, they already seems perfectly stunning for every guys that coming across them.

Ella, with her short cropped hair and tomboyish style has a very loud voice but a goddess’s face. Her smile was so brilliant just like an angel. Her tiny body makes her looks cute and younger than her real age.

Ariel in the mean time, has her beautiful long black hair and a gorgeous face. Her chubby cheek and her tiny lips looks perfectly cute when she’s smiling.

Both of them, along with Jolin and Gillian are members of a sorority that were created by themselves in their first year of high school. Among the four of them who all look gorgeous, it is Ella, the only one who always feel uncomfort with her self since she was misnoticed by a man in the bus as a pretty boy in her way to the music course. Since then, her style is even more tomboyish, but Ariel has a plan on her little brain, that is to make Ella feel confident of herself, so everyone could she her real beauty. And the plan is started by a ’losing couples of pounds’ program.



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