Chapter 16 Once Upon A silly Fight

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I'm sorry for the late up date.. and Welcome to the new readers.. glad to seel you all here..


Chun was dialing Ella’s number for about, he even didn’t know any longer, a hundred and fifty times? But, she didn’t pick it up yet.

‘Gees, where is she?’ Chun was so desperately missing her. He was ignoring her all day long today, that’s why, now, he wants to called her and hear her beautiful sultry voice.

“Common, pick it up, Elle!” He sounds so desperate when finally someone’s speaking to him.

“Yes, Chun?”

“Where the heck have you been, Elle? I was like calling you for ages!”

“What do you want?”

“Couldn’t you be nicer to me? At least, give me a call back after you finished your business if you couldn’t pick the phone when I’m calling.”

“Why should I? You’re the one that had something to say to me.”

“Fine, then, I don’t want to talk to you anymore!”


“I lost my words!” He hang up the phone. He was so mad at her that he thought that Ella didn’t care of him.

The next morning, Ella was trying to find Chun to ask an apologize. After last night incident on the phone, Ella was trying to called him back, but Chun didn’t pick up his cell phone for even once. He mad at Ella. Seriously mad. ‘Why is he must be so childish like this? Urgh!’ Ella thought tiredly as she already looking around the school and couldn’t find Chun’s hide out. In fact, she bumped into someone who definitely grabbing her wrist to the corner and suddenly spoke to her in a high tone.

“Look, Elle. I hate that Selina Ren very much!” Jiro blurted out his mind to Ella.

“Huh?” Ella was having no idea why Jiro was acting weird like this in all of a sudden.

“Chun is my best friend, and when I found out that he like that stupid Selina from you yesterday, I was thinking of giving a favor to help him a little bit.”

“Huh? What are you doing?”

“I was telling her about his feeling towards her.” Jiro said angrily. “Hoping that she could accept him and yeah, they will have a happily ever after ending!” He continued.

“You WHAT?!” Ella couldn’t trust her own ears for what she had just heard.

“At first, I kinda thought that Chun was having his feelings toward you, but I kinda doubt a little, it’s fifty-fifty lucky guess you know. Finally, I found out from you yesterday, that actually he had his feelings toward Selina, the one that always hanging around with you. He’s in love with her, instead of you.”

‘HE’S IN LOVE WITH HER, INSTEAD OF YOU. INSTEAD OF YOU. INSTEAD OF YOU.’ Those words echoed again and again in Ella’s mind. Made her want to burst out tears like crazy though, but somehow she could manage for not doing it.

“You shouldn’t do it, Jiro. It’s their problems.” Ella said in a weak voice. “If Chun want to told her about his feelings, let him do it by himself.”

“Well yeah, I know. But, at least, I know now, that she’s not a good girl coz daring to reject my best bud Chun. I hate her so much.” With that, Jiro leaved Ella alone.

Ella was walking silently to her class, but she had a bunch of question in her mind. ‘Why Selina was rejecting Chun? Why Jiro was doing that? And why can’t I getting rid of Chun out of my mind? He’s already fall to Selina, I knew it for sure, but..’ As Ella was so lost in her own mind, she didn’t realize that Selina was leading her way towards her. When she reached her, suddenly she hugged her tightly.

“Ugh, Sel?” Ella tried to struggled inside Selina’s tight embrace. But somehow, She heard that Selina was sobbing. “Whaddup girl?” she continued.

“Jiro hates me, Elle. HE HATES ME!!!” Selina cried out. “You see..”She was about to continued her sentence but cut off by Ella.

“Yeah, I know.”

“But.. but how you..” Selina stuttered.

“He told me a few moments ago.”

“You must know, I rejected Chun it’s not because I hate him.” Selina told Ella in the middle of her sob.

“Then why you..”

“I fall for someone else, Elle! I fall for that bastard who mad at me because I rejected his best bud…Tell me, what should I do?” Selina cried out again.

“You fall for Jiro? Gees!” Ella hit her own forehead with her palm, not knowing why this could be so complicated like this. “Okay! Let’s go find them!” Ella grabbed Selina and started to search for Jiro and also Chun. They all have to talk together and settle all the things out. Finally, they found them in the back yard. Jiro and Chun were so surprised to see Ella and Selina, especially Selina who still sobbed. At first, Jiro was about to leave but Ella grabbed his wrist and asked him to stay, then they were all sat under a huge trees, and Ella was the one who started to talked,

“Okay, I’m so tired. I guess we all have this huge mess because of a misunderstood problem, so lets make this clear, and we’ll have the best night to sleep tonight.” She paused. “First, I would like to ask for an apologize from you Chun, for ignoring you and be such an annoying friend. I promise, I won’t do that anymore.”

Chun said nothing but was nodding his head and smiled. He then scooted over to Ella.

“Great.” She smiled back to him. “Now, Jiro, you should listen first to other’s people reason before getting mad like crazy. So, I would like to ask to.. CHUN!”

“Huh?” Chun’s face was so stupid, he didn’t get the idea, why he had something to do with Jiro’s and Selina’s problem. He saw at the crying girl and feel a pity for her as Jiro was so rude to her for always glaring to her as like he wants to burned her with his flaming glare.

“I would like to know..” Ella paused a second, she kind of preparing herself for hearing Chun’s answer for her next question. “Uh, is that true that you like Selina?” Ella mumbled in unclear voice.

“HUH?” Chun was so shocked. “NO!!” He screamed. “Eh, I mean I like her as friends..” he tried to smiled to Selina as he was worried that he will hurt Selina’s feeling. “But, I don’t love her.” Chun was looking straightly to Ella’s eyes.

Ella felt a very huge relief was spreading in her whole entire body, and she couldn’t stop her smiled to carved on her beautiful face.

“Uh, I see. Then I guess it’s already settled now. Jiro, you own Selina an apologize, and Selina, you own Jiro an explanation. Let’s go Chun.” Ella stood up and grabbed Chun’s arm with her.

“Huh?” Chun was so blank. He didn’t get any idea of what just happen.

Ella was just smiled to him, and when she looked back through her shoulder, she could see that her two best friends were blushing like mad together.



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