Chapter 13 Miss-under-stoeds (part.1)

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This time, it’s Ella’s turn to walked tiredly in the school alley. After a long night without even a single dream which is obviously happened because she couldn’t get to slept at all, Ella was forced to go to school by her mother. When she was about to reach her class, she saw Jiro was standing in a very suspicious way behind one of the pillar. Confused, she approached him, and tip his shoulder gently. Jiro was about to screamed in his surprised, but somehow he can managed himself for not letting out even a single word from his mouth. As it was too risk to explain the not-get-the-idea Ella with a story, besides that it will took a whole noon for it, Jiro was grabbing Ella’s wrist and drag her to his hide out. He then point out silently to the direction of Chun and a girl who were having a serious conversation. Now, it was clear to Ella that Jiro was trying to eavesdrop their conversation.

“So, who is that girl?” Ella whispered while pointing her finger to a pretty girl with a long curly black hair that was talking with Chun in front of the class.

“She’s Angela, his once beautiful ‘ex.” Jiro answered with a very soft voice.

“I never know that he has a gorgeous ‘ex like that. What is she want?” Ella asked again.

“I don’t know, maybe a reconciliation with Chun?”

‘Is it possible that Angela was the girl that make Chun fell? He already fell for her once.’ Ella thought silently.

“Ssh, look out, Elle! Here they come!” Jiro was pushing Ella aside so they wont looked suspicious for Chun and Angela.

“What are you guys doing here?” Chun asked Ella and Jiro as he noticed the two of them struggling themselves behind the pillar.

“Uh, oh, nothing.” Ella was trying to cleared her throat.

“Bye Chun.” Angela who was looking at the weird Ella and Jiro then decided to leave. She waves and smiled sweetly to Chun and then smiled awkwardly to both Ella and Jiro.

“Seriously, guys! What are you trying to do behind the pillar? You two were not up to something un appropriate, right?” Chun asked once again.

“Something un appropriate? Like what?” Jiro grinned.

“Yeah, you know.. like..”

“Oh, We’re not that kind of persons, aren’t we Jiro? Whatever you were thought we are Chun, it’s definitely that what we aren’t!” Ella said in a harsh voice and then she left the guys.

“What’s wrong with her?” Chun asked curiously.

“Woman’s period, I guess.” Jiro answered having no ideas also.

Chun was fully believe that Ella was having her woman’s period this week since she always seems to have a very bad mood along the day.

She was always whining about everything.

The truth, what Chun doesn’t know, is that Ella was having a bad mood because she found a lot of Angela’s messages to Chun in his cell when she borrowed it to play some games. She didn’t dare to open it though, as she thought they’re privates although Chun was never bothered that she read all his messages. He will be so angry if anyone else did that, but he never did to Ella.

After realizing that she herself might have grown her feelings towards Chun, even it’s still very little though, she really didn’t feel comfortable with what she saw this morning and in his cell.

Somehow, she kinda feels upset.

So, in the end of the day, when Ms. Honey was calling her, Chun, Jiro, and Wilber to see her after the class, she head alone to the teacher’s lounge and didn’t bother to wait for the guys.

“Ah, Ella, come in.” Ms. Honey smiled. “Where’s the guys?” she frowned.

“They’re still in the class, Miss.” Ella answered while sitting in front of Ms. Honey. “So, why do you want to meet me?”

“Well, I guess it’s better to wait a while for the guys, since I’m gonna tell you all the same thing.” She smiled.

Ella didn’t have any other choices than wait for them. Suddenly, the door was knocked from the outside.

“Must be the guys! Come in!” Ms. Honey shouted.

As they stepped in the room, Chun was giving Ella a question-look of why she didn’t wait for him but Ella ignored him.

“So, you all know, that one of our class member, Olivia, was sick. I want to send the four of you to visit her and give her our regards since your houses were the nearest to hers. Well, any objection?” Ms. Honey asked.

Every one remains silence.

“I’ll take it as no objections! Then, this is the money from the class, I hope you could buy something nice for her.” She handed the money to Wilber who was the class leader.

“Ok, ma’am.”

In the afternoon, the four of them had promised to met in the nearest mall before headed to Olivia’s place to buy something for her. It was Ella who came first.

‘Geez, where’s the guys?’ she thought while looking at her watch un patiently.

Suddenly a light tip was brushing her right shoulder.

“Yo, Elle!” It was Jiro who stands before her, as usual he was smiling ear to ear.

“What take you so long?” Ella pouted.

“Hey, I’ve got my own business to settle, miss.” He excused. “Where’s the other?”

“Dunno!” Ella said, but suddenly she saw Wilber was approaching them while bringing something in his hand.

“Guys! Sorry I’m late.” He said as soon as he reached Ella and Jiro.

“No problemo. What did you bring?” Jiro asked.

“Ah, these? These are fruits for Olive. Hey, where’s Chun by the way?” Wilber answered then suddenly realizing that Chun was not there yet.

“Don’t know either my friend. Hey, Elle, why don’t you try to call him?” Jiro said.

“Ok.” Ella then grabbed her cell in her bag and dialed Chun’s number. After a few rings, someone talk to her from the other line.


“Chun! Where the heck are you?” Ella burst.

“Oh, hi Elle. Uh.. um.. I’m sorry. I don’t think I can make it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, I was on my way to the mall when suddenly something happen to my car. I don’t know what, but I can’t handle it. I think I should take it to the repair shop.”

“So I guess we should leave you. Is it ok? Or should we headed back to your place first in case you needed some helps?”

“No! No need to! Don’t worry about me. Please send my apologize for the rest, will you, Elle?”

“Sure! Take care, Chun.” She pushed the-end button.

“What? What happen to Chun?” Jiro was asking full of concern.

“He can’t come. His car was broke. He said sorry to you, guys”.

“Sigh, then, let’s go.” Wilber said. Jiro and Ella had no other choice, so they followed him.

The next morning, Ella was so worried because she didn’t seen Chun yet. Usually, it was always him who reach the school first before her but today, when she arrived at school, he wasn’t there yet. He never came late before.

As Ella was so concern about him, she decided to wait for him in front of the class.

“Where the hell is that stupid Chun?” she was mumbling in a soft voice.

Suddenly, someone touching her hand.

Ella was almost screaming for her surprised, but somehow she can managed her self not to. She just let a little gasped out of her lungs when she saw who was touching her hand.


It was Chun’s beautiful ‘ex, Angela who was calling her name before her.


“Um, you must be waiting for Chun, right?”

Ella said nothing.

“I’m afraid he will come late today. Uh, yesterday his car was broken and I was asking him to accompany me to buy a present for my mother so he couldn’t brought his car to the repair shop. He said he will bring his car to the repair shop this morning, that’s why he’ll come late today. Would you mind to asked for an excuse for him to the teacher? So that Chun wont be punished. You know I’ll do it myself if I can, but I’m in a different class from him.” Angela was smiling. So cute.

Ella, somehow, didn’t like this. She felt really anxious. She couldn’t believe that Chun was lying. He couldn’t come to visit Olive, but he could accompany Angela to buy a present for her mom? What the hell is that all about? She mad! Really mad of Chun. And upset too. But, finally she said,

“Yeah, sure.” Ella smiled awkwardly.

“Thanks, I know you’re a nice girl.” Angela smiled and reached Ella’s hand.

Ella remained silence.

In the middle of the day, finally Chun came to the class. He was smiling to Ella while sit on his own chair in front of hers. But Ella ignored him.

She didn’t on the mood to speak to Chun. Even just to look at him.

She spent the rest of the day talking with Jiro, Aaron, and grandpa, but not even once to talk to Chun.

When the class is over, she rushed out of the class before Chun can talk to her.

‘Is Ella mad at me? But why? Something is not right.’ Chun thought.

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