Chapter 12 Their Conversation

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Chun was torturing himself that night. He couldn’t even slept for a second. Every time his eyes shut, his thought was flying back to the day when that boy ‘Joe’ was asking Ella out. And tomorrow evening will be their first date. ‘Crap!’ he cursed himself.

The next morning, which is not very bright, Chun was walking into his class, tiredly. He didn’t sleep at all. This morning, when he finally almost lost to his dream world, his mother was already waking him up. He was about to get sleep on his own table when suddenly someone tips his back.

“Yo, Chun. I guess you were right.” Ella was talking with him while looking straight to his tired eyes. He definitely could see her black bright eyes. He never noticed that before, that she has such a beautiful eyes.

“What?” he asked.

“Yeah, that maybe a storm will be happen tonight, coz there are already some grey clouds hanging up around there since this morning, didn’t you noticed?” She asked while pointing her finger to the direction of grey clouds above the sky out of the window. As Chun was so silence this morning, she finally paid attention to the black circles under his eyes.

“What’s wrong with your eyes? You looks like a panda. Hahaha.” She laughed, but as Chun was still remains silence, then she asked him, “What’s wrong with you, Chun? You didn’t sleep enough last night, huh? Is there something that bothering you?” her voice was full of concern.

‘I wish I could tell her that I probably had already fall for her, no! I definitely had fall for her! Since when? I don’t know either. Gaah! This feeling was killing me.’ Chun think on his own.

“Nnnaah, I just stay awake till late at night coz there was a very great basketball match on tv, you know I’m really fond of basket, right?” He smiled. Ella was not about to buy his excuses, but since he looks so tired, she answered,

“I know you’re dying of it.” Finally she smiled. So sweet, so heart melting that makes Chun gasped. “You look tired, go to sleep, I’ll wake you up if the teacher comes.” She finally said, rubbing his back gently.

That Saturday night was as usual as she usually had. Nothing special happened in their first date. After watching a comedy movie, she asked Joe to bring her home right away. It’s not like she hates being with him, she likes him but more in a brother-sister way, more over, he is truly younger than her. After taking a very refreshing bath, her thoughts were flying to Chun who was not look so good today. ‘I wonder what is he doing now?’ Ella then decided to call Chun. She was searching for her cell in her bag when suddenly she heard a very familiar ringing tone. It was her cell. When she finally found her cell, it was Chun’s name who was appeared on the display screen. She smiled lightly before she touched the ’talk’ button.

“Yes, Chun?” She said in a very sweet tone.

“Am I interrupting you or something?” Chun muttered.

“Nope! Actually I was about to call you.” Ella was smiling to herself.

“Uh, so where are you now? How’s your date?” He asked, still muttering.

“I’m already at home and I don’t want to give you any explicit details about my first date. Well, my romantic life is kinda forbidden for the public’s consumption you know?” She

giggled. “But, considering that you’re one of my best friend, I’m gonna give you a hint, just a very little of it.” She continued. But Chun will absolutely buy it, ‘a little is okay than nothing’ He thought.

“I’m all ears.” He said.

“Well, we’re just watching ‘Dumber and Dumberer’ and then we’re going home.” She said in a mono tone.

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