Chapter 9 Childish Things

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So, it’s been a very hectic week that Ella and the rest of her class was facing lots of tests that started getting its way to their last nerve. It was normal since they were in the last year of high school, though, but somehow, in a very stressful environment like that, Ella was still can creating a quote for herself, that she gladly shared to her other friends that she believed can help them went through it all smoothly. The famous quote was sounds like this :

“JUST THINK THAT THE TEST WAS A PIECE OF CAKE, SO YOU’LL FEEL FREE TO MOVE YOUR BRAIN.” (A/N : I get this quote from one of my crush in high school and I keep remembered it ‘till now *blushing in embarrassment*)

Well, it was a simple quote actually, everyone could make it easily, but if Ella the one who spoke it while smiling to the whole class, somehow they get a mysterious power out of nowhere to keep them struggling and fighting against all the problems in the tests that they were all facing these days.

And, today, an English test was having its way this noon.

Ella was so damn good in English. Even Chun and Jiro, the smartass in the class was nothing compared to her. That’s why, this time, Chun was the one who seek for Ella’s tutoring.

But, he was not the only one, there are Jiro, Wilber, and also Aaron and grandpa who were waiting in the line to be tutored by her. Luckily, they have exactly a free hour today, because Mr. Lee was sick. So, here they are now, in the library, learning English together in the last minutes before the test starts.

“Elle, in this sentence… blah..blah..blah..” Jiro asked her and Ella was explaining to him patiently.

“Elle, I don’t get what this paragraph means…blah.. blah.” Aaron asked her too. She answered him nicely.

“What about this, Elle? Why this sentence……blah..blah..blah..” Grandpa asked her. Ella was happily answered his questions too.

“How should we said blah..blah… in English?” Wilber, asked her too. She then answered him.

The learning session was went very well. Ella was such a great tutor. Everyone seems enjoying the English session with Ella. But there is someone who didn’t like this situation. Chun, felt annoyed. He felt that Ella didn’t care to him. Ella never asked what was his difficulties but she kept answering those idiots questions without minded about him. The truth is, Chun is such a spoiled boy. He didn’t get the idea that Ella wont answered him if he didn’t asked her. She was too busy to paying her attention just for him. There are so many people that needed her attention too. But Chun didn’t want to understand, that’s why he just walked away out from the library, feeling hurt because he think that Ella was ignoring him.

Chun kept silence along the day. He wont let out even a single words towards Ella. That made Ella feel completely confused about him. He asked him, but he just glared at her. When the class is over, Chun left the class without saying goodbye to her. Ella was seriously confused about him now.

“Gees, what’s wrong with him?” She raised her eyebrows.

When she met him at the bus stops, he kept ignoring her. T hat made her started to feel annoyed. She brought her disappointment to home that made Mrs. Chen confused about her daughter behavior. She then asked her,

“Honey, what’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, Mom. I think, I just sick of Chun.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“I don’t know. He just kept ignoring me today.”

Mrs. Chen say nothing about this. She just shook her head and then went to the kitchen.

In the evening, when Ella was watching her favorite drama as usual, someone was calling to her cell. It was Chun. But, she kind of feel to ignoring him, that’s why she didn’t pick the phone up. Then suddenly, the house phone rang. Mrs. Chen was the one who picked it up, then she yelled,


“Who is it, Mom?” she asked.

“Chun.” Her mom answered slowly. Ella frowned.

“Tell him I’m not home.” Ella said as she was going back to her room

“No, I wont. You should talk to him, and clear your things up.” With that, she left the phone. Ella, had no choice, reached the phone, she said,


“Hey, Elle. What are you doing?” his voice sounds so gently as usual.

“I’m watching now.”


“What do you want to talk about? If there’s nothing important, better you call me later. I..”

“No! Wait! I want to chat with you.. Uh, So what program are you watching now?”

“A drama. Usually, drama was not such of my things, but I like the main actor in this drama, so yeah, for that lame excuse, I watched it.”

“Oh, so you like the one that raise his hair up with gels?”

“Ewwh, no-uh, he is ugly, and he is the villain anyway.” Ella started to giggled.

“Pardon me. So, which one that you exactly like?” Ella couldn’t see his face, but somehow she can imagined that he was smiling now.

“Um, the one with a brown hair and a light brown highlight. He’s handsome. Deffinitely my tipe. Hahaha.”

“Hahahaha.” He laughed along with Ella. “Hm, Elle, well, I’m sorry today. I didn’t mean it.” He suddenly continued.

“Yeah, I started to hate you because of that you know? What’s wrong with you anyway? Why you’re acting like that?” she asked curiously.

“I think I just get stressed because of the test. Well…” he paused.

“Yeah, ok, I get it. Hehehe.“

“So, see you tomorrow I guess? I don’t want to be blame because you lost your favorite dramas.” Ha said.

“Yeah, see you.”

Ella was glad that Chun called her. She smiled widely on her way to her room.



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