Chapter 21 The First?! You Gotta be Kidding!

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“Ok, who says that you were allowed to kiss me?” Chun asked Ella while driving his car.

The proms was finally over. Here she is, in his car.

In-the person that she was kissing in front of the public’s-car.

Seems that her friends never get enough of her. Ariel and the others was living her at the ball that made her should go home alone. There’s no way Chun would allow that to happen, her friends already know that. That’s why he suggested to drive her home, but in the same time interrogate her about her action as he didn’t get any satisfying answer from her yet. Chun was recalling at the moment after Ella rushed herself out of the balls and he followed her. She went to one of the porch and when he found her, she was hugging a pillar.


“Hey Ella, what are you doing here?” He asked softly.

“Get lost, Chun!”


“I just don’t want to see your face now.” She still hugging the pillar, rejecting to face Chun. But somehow, he could see that her face was blushing beautifully red.

“I want to asked you something.” He said calmly. It’s weird. Ella was the one who kissed him, but she also the one who mad at him. He smiled. In his mind, he knows that Ella must be so embarrashed right now.

“I’m not in the mood to answered anything.” She said.

“Why are you kissing me?” he asked seriously, ignoring what she had just said.

Ella didn’t say anything, she just get more blush on her face.

“Why are you kissing me?” He repeated. Still, silence from her. Even though Chun was seriously curious like crazy, he finally gave up. If there is a competition for stubborn people, Ella was surely will be the one who get the trophy.

“Okay, I’m not asking anymore. But let’s go inside. It’s getting colder out here.”

“So what?” she asked in a childish behavior.

“You’ll get sick. You just wear a dress and it could make you get cold easily.” She was still pouting and rejecting herself to face Chun, but she followed him back to the ballroom.

==End of flashback==

“No one, Sir!” She answered, her eyes were looking somewhere outside the window, rejecting to look at Chun.

“Then why you did it?” He asked curiously.

“Puh-leaase, like I was doing it on purpose.” She answered, already feel annoyed.

“You’re not?” Chun was raising one of his eyebrows while staring at Ella in disbelieved-look. Actually, Chun was already getting the whole idea from Ariel and the gank. He just acting up in front of Ella. Normally, people will get mad if they know that they were being used as a target of a bet, but Chun wasn’t mad at all. In fact, he was thanking the girls especially Ariel for making that bet, if it was not because of the bet, he wouldn’t kissed by Ella. Not to forget thanking God because God was leading Ella straightly to him. Ariel and the rest of the girls know now, that Chun was having the same feeling with Ella too. They were liking each other.

“It was purely nothing! Can’t we just forget about it?” Ella already felt super duper annoyed as she screamed on him a little bit. She was tired for the whole hectic day, started from the hair dresser salon, trip to prom with Ariel, her stupid-too-small corset, her stupid high heels, and the stupid bet with her friends that made her kiss Chun in front of public. Sure she was very shocked but happy in the same time, but she didn’t expect that this idiot Chun will take her home and asking the annoying questions about the kiss along the ride to her home. Didn’t he feel embarrassed to discuss about it right now? *sigh*

“No way I’m gonna forget it! It was my first kiss anyway.” He shook his head.

“Yeah, like I’m so buying it.” She mumbled in a soft voice. She didn’t believe it because she knows that Chun was dating the gorgeous Angela once, and who the heck that didn’t feel tempted to kiss such a girl like that.

“It was! Anyway you tasted like you were drinking a hundreds liter of strawberry punch back then.” He smirked.

“I was. It’s one of my favorite flavor ever.”

“I don’t like strawberry.” He frowned.

“Like I care.”


The next morning, felt like hell to Ella. She couldn’t sleep at all since every time she closed her eyes, her thought was traveled back to the scene when her lips and Chun’s lips were pressed one another. She couldn’t forget how he widened his eyes for a second and then slowly closed it like he was enjoyed it. ‘Gaah, I must be hallucinated, it’s no way that Chun will love my kiss.’ She thinked to herself while mumbled a little. That made Ariel who was walking beside her feel curious about her.

“Hey, Ella, what are you thinking about?” She suddenly asked.

“Huh? Nothing.” Ella answered uncertain.

“You were thinking about the ‘last night incident’ huh?”

Ella widened her eyes. She couldn’t believe that Ariel can figure out exactly what she was thinking about. “How could you know?” She asked curiously.

“Well, you think, how long we’ve been friends, huh?” Ariel grinned.

“I think it’s long enough to make you can see through my mind.” Ella answered, they both giggled.

“So tell me, how was it to be kissed by Chun?” Ariel asked excitingly.

“Wo.. wo.. first, it was me who kissed him, thanks to the silly bet, and second, he’s not bad at all.” Ella smirked. “But, why you leave me in the first place?” she suddenly recalled that Ariel was leaving her and that’s why Chun should drive her home.

“Oh, I was thinking to give you both some more times together in ‘private’. If I wasn’t leaving you, then Chun wouldn’t drove you home, right?” She smirked. “Then tell me, what happen next? What happen in his car? Were you two kissing again?” Ariel asked happily.

“Nothing happened actually, except that he kept asking me whether I was doing it on purpose or not because it was his first kiss.” Ella answered and sighed.

“What? No way it was his first kiss, he was dating Angela right? It’s a big lie if he didn’t feel tempted to kiss her!” Ariel shouted in disbelieved-tone.

“I know.” Ella said sadly.

Ariel was looked disappointed but then she hug Ella to comfort her.



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