Chapter 5 Aaron, A Person or A Statue?

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Ella now was always happy to go to school. As her new friendship with Chun was growing even better, she also got two more girlfriends which is now becoming her close friends in the class. Their bond, even it’s still new, was strongly convinced Ella that they were in the best part of a relationship. But Ella never forget her old sorority. Ariel, Jolin, and Gillian are still on her most top list of best friends. However, the new girls, Selina and Hebe was perfectly matched to the old gank. Ariel, Jolin, and Gillian were secretly asking them for taking care of their baby, Ella. Both of the girls, who were really very nice and sweets are sincerely promised to them.

The girls are gorgeous in their very own way too. Hebe, with her black short hair that running on her shoulder smoothly, has this very bright skin of her and a cute smile. While Selina, was having a beauty hot pink lips and a gorgeous long legs. Besides, the two of them also good in lessons too.

It’s just, that, not everything can run so smoothly like you want it to be. Sometimes, there are ups and downs in life. Nothing is predictable, just like today, when Ms. Honey suddenly made a little change of the seat arrangement.

“Hey, Don’t boo-ed on me. This condition is just temporary. It’s not like you’re gonna sit like this for the rest of the year.” She explained to the class. Ms. Honey was such an easy-going person. She was having the idea of arranging the class this morning. The aim of the idea is to make the class refreshed with a new situation. But she never know that this idea will totally be rejected by her students. Yes, this arrangements was killing the class, including Ella. She was transferred from the last back seat to the most front seat, along with… Aaron.

Leaving Chun, Jiro, Grandpa, Hebe and Selina, Ella was on her desperate mode again. She never thought that she will be in this kind of situation before. Her thoughts was flying back to the day when she had a conversation with Selina and Hebe.

==flash back==
“So, you two were come from the same class?” Ella asked while eating her lunch in the café with her two new best friends.

“Yeah, we’re come from II-science7. So does Aaron and Jay.” Selina answered while sipping her juice.

“Ow..sluuurp.” Ella rised her eyebrows while sipping her noddles.

“Hey, have you talk to Aaron? He was never had any conversation with others before.” Hebe asked and then biting her bread.

“I have, but not much. Why?” Ella answered.

“Well, you know, I was the secretary in II-science7, and it was really a hard time for me when I have to deal with him. He never answered any of my question, which was needed for the class’s data.” Hebe continued.

“The rest of the girls in the class was saying the same things too. He never reply whenever they talked to him.” Selina said, nodding.
==end of flash back==

Ella frowned. She was thinking hard about her condition now, which is have to sit next to Aaron for the rest of the day. She just thinking how talkative she was but know when she had to sit with someone that seems really hates to talk, what could she do?

“Err, Elle, have you done our math homework?” suddenly, a voice was waking Ella up from her deep thoughts.

“Huh?” Ella asked stupidly.

“Yeah, have you done our math homework?” the guy asked his question once again. It was Aaron who was speaking to her.

“Oh, ya. But I‘m not sure with my own answers.” Ella answered him, smiling.

“Well then, why don’t we check it together?” He smiled. Ella, again, was so surprised. It’s amazing to know every new side of your friend. Suddenly, Ella was losing her worried of sitting next to Aaron. In fact, she started to enjoyed it.

Aaron was not that bad. He did talk much with Ella. Even Ella started to think that this guy was a talkative guy too. They were chatting, discussing about the lesson, and even joking around. That makes Ella completely misnoticed the time. When it comes to the end of the school, Ella was hoping that tomorrow will be like today too. It’s fun to be around Aaron. But unfortunately, tomorrow will be like the day before today. After her idea of arrangements was rejected by the whole class, Ms. Honey decided to let the class back to their situation like before the arrangements.

When she was about to reach the class door, suddenly, a light tip was brushed on her shoulder.

“Hey, Ella!” that was Selina who was tipping her shoulder. She was smiling widely.

“How’s your day? It’s not easy to sit with Aaron, huh?” Hebe suddenly joined them out of nowhere.

“Hm, actually.. it’s not that bad. ”Ella paused. “It was really good actually.” she continued while smiling brightly.

“What? How come?” Hebe said. She was smiling and her face full of excitement.

“Yeah, I don’t know. But he did talk much.” Ella smiled again, this time an angelic smile.

“Woo, this is a very good news. Let’s tell it to the girls. They will not believe in this.” Selina said while dragging Ella with her. Soon, they reach a bunch of girls who seems like their old friends from the second year.

“Girls, guess what? Today is a record! Aaron was talking a lot..” Selina told them and then paused for a second. “..with this girl.” She continued and then leading Ella in front of her. There was a gasping air spreading around the girls. They all feel confused and excited in the same time. Their face were smiling and frowning. Ella couldn’t help but smiled secretly for her own achievements. She never get the ideas that it was that hard for the rest of the girls to talk with Aaron, but she can do it perfectly and easily.

“Don’t you think it’s because she didn’t look like a girl enough so Aaron feel free to have a chat with her?” suddenly, a harsh tone voice surprising all the girls. “Aaron never talked to girl before because he didn’t feel comfortable with girls, he was such a shy guy.” She continued.

Ella was so shocked that she didn’t say anything about it. Once again, people think that she wasn’t girl enough, and that’s even make a guy who usually feel awkward among the girls feel comfort with her. She couldn’t decide whether it’s a good or a bad thing. Sure, she had a great time with Aaron and feel happy that she can prove to anyone that Aaron is a person not a statue like they always think of him before, but it’s kinda hurt her when it comes to the fact that he probably feel fine with her because he didn’t notice her as a girl.

“Oh, you and your big mouth Yvonne. Feel jealous coz you never succeed to talk to him, don’t you?” Hebe glared at the girl whose name was Yvonne.

That Yvonne girl, pouting her mouth as she continued to talk, her eyes was straight to Ella’s. “Look, Missy, Don’t feel proud because you can talk with Aaron today. Like I said before, maybe he don’t feel you as a girl. That should make you think even deeper about your tomboyish style and un appropriate appearances. Actually, you’re kinda embarrashing your self in front of the public.” She said then left them all.

“Seriously, what is her problem?” Ella asked. She didn’t believe that a person that she barely meet for the first time could say such a rude words about her.

“Well, Elle, everyone know that she was having a huge crush on Aaron. But as you can say, even a blind can feel it that there are no such thing to read between their lines. Yvonne’s love was totally one-sided.” Hebe answered her with a low voice so that the rest of the girls wont hear that pathetic story of dear Yvonne.

“Oh..” Ella nodded. She suddenly feel sorry for her.

“Still, it isn’t an excuse for her to let all the blames on you..” Hebe whispered in Ella’s ears. “So, let’s go home, shall we?” She continued, smiling and spreading her hands to the back of Ella and Selina, leaving the rest of the girls. “Bye, girls!”.

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