Chapter 11 Jey-e-ey-el-ou-yu-s (JEALOUS)

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Ella was starting to dozed off on her table. The teacher didn’t showed up himself again today. She was alone in her row. Everyone has their own business, except her.

Jiro was taking himself happily touring the school for Ella didn’t know the reason why. He was so enjoying walking around the school and met so many people in his trip. Yeah, he was such a nice person, everyone knows that, and that’s why, they love Jiro for his warmth.

Selina and Hebe were at the library. They were searching something for the math homework. Ella had done it since ages ago. Actually she just copying Chun’s work and he didn’t mind that.

Aaron, was going to the teacher’s lounge with Wilber. Ella guessed that they must had been called by Ms. Honey to discussed about their scholar proposal to their future university.

Actually, Ella was having some kind of plan in her mind recently. She, secretly, was trying to hooking Hebe and Aaron up coz she think they will make a perfect couple. She often thought about a way for Aaron and Hebe spending more lots of times together. But, unluckily, her plan had such a big obstacle in a form of SELINA. Actually, she was kind of hoping that Selina will realizing her plans for hooking up Hebe and Aaron, so she will give them more times privately. But seems Ella’s hope was ignored by God, since Selina is such a slow girl and still sticking her butt to Hebe. They were like twins sister that coming from the same egg and never can’t be separated, otherwise one of them could be dead.

Thinking of that over and over again, Ella felt more bored. She yawned awfully when Chun and Grandpa was entering the class.

“Oh, look at that pathetic girl.” Grandpa was teasing her. “Girls doesn’t supposed to yawn like that, you know?” He grinned.

“Ah, mind your own business, old man.” She answered lazily. Chun was just shaking his head and smiled.

“Anyway, Elle, didn’t you checked your cellphone? I sent you a message when we were at the canteen.” Chun asked.

“Nope, I didn’t even bring it. Why?” She asked, lying her head on her cross hand on the table.

“Uh, you know, um, well, we don’t like gossip, but I have to tell you this.” He paused. “Me and grandpa saw Joe in the canteen with a girl.”

Ella kept silence.

“And she was prettier than you.” Grandpa smirked.

“No, she wasn’t!” Chun yelled at grandpa.

Ella still kept silence.

“Uh..” Chun was feel guilty. He thought that Ella was so shocked hearing that the boy that had asked her out was dating with another girl.

The truth is, what Chun didn’t know, that of course he didn’t know because he can’t read others mind, that Ella was thinking how she had to react of the news that she just heard. Seems like Chun was expecting her to looks upset or something and grandpa was kind of hoping that she would cried out curses. But Ella wasn’t feel anything weird of that. So what if Joe was eating with a girl in the canteen? He is not her boyfriend anyway, and she didn’t like him either, at least, yet. So, what should she worried about? And yeah, she couldn’t ignored the fact that he had asked her out, and she accept it, but that doesn’t make her as his girlfriend, right? He had his liberty to hang out with other girls and she had her own liberty too to hang out with other boys. In that case, what things that she should be whining about?

Finally, she smiled.

“Huh, Elle?” Chun asked her worriedly.

“That’s fine with me. I’m not his girlfriend anyway.” She answered. It looks like she didn’t care of this issue. Somehow it made Chun feels strange and relief at the same time.

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