Chapter Fourteen

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Sorry this is going to be a quick chapter but I'll make the next one longer since this one has a cliffhanger :)



I just hate him, I hate him.

He thinks he can fix me, well, news flash Matt: I'm not fixable.

I just don't get it!

He hangs out with the people that bully me, yet wants to 'fix me'.

"It's complicated..." He said. Well, yes Matthew, it's very complicated, and I'd appreciate it if you'd just explain to me just how complicated it is.

It's me or them, Matthew,

Me or them...

He'll have to choose at some point, he'll have to,

They'll make him.

"Come on, you want to go do something?" Cameron asked me, I shook my head no.

"You liked the walk on the beach we took that one time, want to go again?" He asked, I shook my head no.

"Well, lets go find something to do then," he smiled, and took my hand, pulling me off of the bed and out the door.

My hand was tiny compared to his, and didn't fit well, since his hand practically covered mine,

But one of the best things about us, are our imperfections.

After Matthew had left, we went back to the hotel room, and Cameron would ask over and over whether I was okay or not, and if he made things complicated,and most of all, why I didn't like Matthew. And, like always, I didn't give an answer.

He's been trying to get me to talk or eat for the past hour, and I haven't.

We got into the lobby, and walked outside. We walked onto the beach, and I zipped up my jacket. It was the beginning of October, but it hasn't snowed yet. It was getting very cold, though.

"Maybe we shouldn't have come on the beach," Cameron chuckled, "it's way colder than last time."

Not many people were at the hotel. I mean, who'd go to a hotel on the beach in the beginning of October in Virginia? Well, Cameron Dallas, that's who.

"Let's go back inside, its way too cold," he said, and I nodded.

We walked back inside the lobby, when Cameron stopped. His eyes were on high alert and suddenly he grabbed my hand and held it tight.

I wanted to ask, "Cam, what's wrong?" And I almost let it slip when I saw what he was looking at.

Three men police uniforms.

I recognized my mom and Jake standing with the men.

Cameron started running towards the stairs instead of the elevator. He was still holding my hand as we were running, and I couldn't keep up and I tripped on one of the steps.

"Anna!" He said, and picked me up bridal style. It wasn't as if I just split my head open or anything, I just tripped on a step. It was probably because he was worried, but what about? I was so confused about why mom and Jake were here with those men, and why Cameron is so worried, but I stayed quiet.

We finally got back to the room, and he shut it quickly, locking it behind him.

"Pack your stuff!" He said urgently, "we need to go now!"

I quickly packed my stuff, still very confused.

"I won't let them take you," he said, looking me dead in the eye.

Then it hit me:

Men in the police uniforms,

Mom and Jake,

They were here for me...

They were going to take me away.

I suddenly packed everything faster. I was stuffing everything in my back pack as fast as I could.

"Matt, I need you to come here quick," I heard Cam say on the phone, "look I'll explain later but I just need you to get here as fast as you can, my Mom and Jake are here with these people to take Anna away. Just hurry, please!"

Then he hung up, and he said, "ready?"

I nodded, and just as we were about to leave,

We heard knocks on the door.

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