Chapter Twenty Six

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Thank you all so much!

So, I got more entries than I had thought! And I'm very very happy! All of your covers were very well made, and receiving them made my day!

The winner is...

@matthewsboob ! You all should go check out her story Fix Me ! So far, the first chapter is up, and it's really well written! Very descriptive and it's already in my library---I'm waiting for the next chapter! Go vote and comment and give some support, her story is going to win the Wattpad contest one day, I know it!

She will also get a character in this story, of whom we will meet soon!

Thank you all once again for you entries---although not many people commented that they were going to enter, I got 27 entries!! Thank you all so much I never would've expected so many!

Also, I'm making a trailer, which will be up VERY SOON!



I can't believe that I was actually doing it.

I was turning myself in.

But, if you look at it, I didn't even do anything wrong, but yet I caused so many people get hurt. My depression started when my father, my real father, started drinking. He became and alcoholic after he lost his job, and I don't know why, but he always though low of himself. He never hit me, but he did hit my mother. After a few months of that, they went to court and divorced. I was there, and so was Cam.

About a year later, our Mom started seeing Jake, which eventually led them to getting married. At their wedding, after the ceremony, I remember running unread of walking out like everyone else. I found a bush which secluded me from everyone else. Eventually, Cam found me, and let me cry on his shoulder. I liked Jake, I really did, but I just never intended for my mom to get married.

I never got over my father. I loved him, and my mom did too, and he was truly the best dad in the world---until he started drinking.

He made terrible choices, and I know that now, but I still love him. I knew he loved me, he had to, but I'm not sure if he still did. I haven't seen him in years.

At this point, I wasn't still depressed about my father, and I wasn't a year ago when Cam left either---it was the side affects of my father leaving.

I managed to keep it together, until prom night when Kian ruined my life forever. After that, I just couldn't keep it together.

Maggie and Caroline helped me through it, until Kian made up those lies about them: that I had done something to them. After they left me, that was it. I was done. They were the only things keeping me going.

At that point, I wasn't depressed about my father anymore---I was depressed because I was depressed. I didn't want to be, and yet I couldn't help it. Being depressed caused me to lose everything.

How would I get to the police station? I didn't know my way around, seeing as I'm from Virginia, not North Carolina. I suppose I could always go and ask somebody---but at this time of night? It was 2:30 in the morning!

But, I did know that all the boys had their phones. Matthew had told me his password on the way to Nash's house, saying that "only true friends know each other's password to their phones."


The ride was silent for the first hour.

Matthew had drowned out the awkward silence with music from his phone. I used to have a phone, but after I lost all my friends and Cameron left, I saw no need to have one. I never really used it, anyway.

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