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Finally.... Today 22nd January I will be marrying the love of my life... my inspiration and my only love Bright Vachirawit.

Hi, I am Gulf Kanawut, I am 25years now... the young CEO of K P Enterprise (Kanawut & Pakpoom) and this is my story.

I have been an orphan when I was just 12 years. My parents died in a plane crash while returning from the States from their 5th Honeymoon. They were the most romantic lovey-dovey couple I have seen till today. But God has been kind to me. I never felt like an orphan as I had Mr. & Mrs. Pakpoom our business partner and best friends of my parents. It is so not odd that my best friend is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pakpoom. He is the famous actor Art Pakpoom. Actually art's parents wanted him to join the business but as usual he was never interested in business and joined drama club in college, where he met a musician Mew Suppasit (current owner of the Suppasit & Vachirawit (S.V.) Chain of Hotels and resorts along with Bright Vacharit his step brother who is more of like his own blood brother/best friends/ secret holders).

Me and Art has been best friends since we were in our nappies. He knows all my secrets and I know his. We might get into fight when our mentalities clash but if someone hurts any of us we are always together to give them a nice kick in their ass. I met Art's bf Mew in one of his drama shows where PMew brought his brother PBright to meet Art. I will never forget that moment when we met each other. I could not take my eyes of him. He had this calm yet bright smile which made my heart skip a bit, his eyes where so promising as if the pair was telling me that "believe in me I am always there for you ".

It was love at first sight.

After that we started to meet each other. Sometime the meetings were unintentional (which later I came to know that he always tried to bump into me intentionally which thought was a coincidence) .

But I liked it.

Then our meetings became quite regular. I told Art about it. He was very happy and he wanted me to confess to PBright without delay.

One day I confessed to PBright. At first I could not understand his expression totally blank. But then when he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me by my nape and kissed me, I felt like I was in cloud Nine.

I asked him, "PBright!!! Why did you kiss me??" (I know it was a stupid question but I wanted to be sure that I was on the right page with him.)

He said, "Stupid! I kissed you because I love you too. I didn't have the guts to confess my feelings. But when you confessed I was shocked to see your brave side." "I am sorry being older to you I should have confessed to you first".

After hearing what PBright said I was like pinching myself saying that it is not a dream.....this is reality. He accepted me. Yippee he accepted me...

I called Art and told him about PBright and I could hear him shouting over the phone "lets Partyyyy!!!"

That night we went to XYZ bar and had a blast. Me, Art, No, Champ, PBright, PMew, PLIong, PSan.

That year I completed my Business Administration with First division Marks. Art got selected for a new movie through audition. At first PMew was upset and jealous that Art will be acting with other actresses. But then PBright came to the rescue. He made PMew understand that it was Art's career and being his lover he should not interfere if he trusts Art, PMew then came back to his senses and with a heavy heart allowed Art to chase his dream.

After Graduation I started working in my company and helped Mr Pakpoom with the business and within a year I became the youngest CEO of K P Enterprise. PBright and PMew took over their family business and became 50-50 holders of M & V Chain of Hotels and resorts.

One winter evening before Christmas PMew and PBright came to our house to meet Mr. and Mrs. Pakpoom. Me and Art were a bit surprised with their sudden visit. They requested us to be in our rooms as they need to talk to Papa and Mama.

(oh btw I forgot to tell you I call Mr. and Mrs. Pakpoom as Papa and Mama where as Art calls them Dad and Mom.)

After three hours of waiting in our room being impatient we were final called to the sitting room where everyone was seated with a tensed face. Me and Art got scared. We were ready to get bashing from our parents. But surprisingly they didn't say anything and all of us went to dinner.

When we were having our dinner at one of the Thai restaurants as me and Art prefer Thai food. And the others know very well that we can throw good tantrums over food, they all took us to thai restaurant.

During desert time I saw both PMew and PBright looked nervous. We both saw they were tapping their legs and being restless. Suddenly both of them stood up and went on their one knee and they both had a ring in their hands. Our jaws dropped. Both of them proposing at the same time to us.

Instead of saying a Yes or No Me and Art were hugging each other laughing and crying at the same time. Both the Ps called us to answer their proposal. WE both said YES!!! TOGETHER. Our parents, the other guests of the restaurant all were clapping and cheering us.

We were so much happy. Me with my Bright. Art with his love Mew.

And we decided to get married on the same day just after a month. So being proposed on 22nd Dec we planned to get married on 22nd January. That is today!!!!!!

"Ever since you have come into my life, I know right then you will be here with me... until the end of time, I love you!"

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