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"What happened? Why did I see "JEALOUSY' in Sir Mew's eyes??" Saint asked.

Zee and Gulf looked at each other in disbelief!!!!!

"JEALOUSY??"... ZEE AND Gulf asked in union.

Yes... I saw it in Sir Mew's eyes... I was soo clear..

"How can you say that?"

Zee, Gulf and Saint were talking just outside Gulf's office and everyone was looking at them while passing by.

Gulf looked around and asked the others to get inside his office.

"Now tell me do you know that it was a feeling of Jealousy?"

"Well.... I had the same sight when I saw my Ex- bf Perth with his Gf at the resataurant....and I ran to the washroom to clear my head...

When I looked myself in the mirror... the expression in had in my eyes were the same as Sir Mew had...

But what made him jealous?"

Zee and Gulf looked at one another and told Saint the whole story...

Saint raised his eyebrows...."Zee... why were you cleaning Sir's lips?? Can you tell me that?"

"Well its just a brotherly gesture.... My love.. I consider him as my younger brother the day we became official... So please don't think about anything will hurt my STUPID HEART..seeing you not trusting me"... Zee pouted..

Saint blushed and rolled his eyes... Zee can be drama queen sometimes...

Saint cleared his voice ... then he thought for a while...he asked

"Sir you really love Sir Mew?"

"Ofcourse I do... I love him...soo much..."

"okay.. that's great.

And seeing Sir Mew's Jealousy I can gaurentee that he loves you too... just that he might not have sorted out his feelings yet.."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Sir I know... believe me... a person only gets jealous ..if he sees the person he loves with someone else... your case is the Same..."

"but how will I make him accept his feelings for me?"

"well today's incident is your answer..."




The very day the evening.. Gulf and Zee went for dinner. They were chatting and laughing like newly committed couples...

Their behavior was attracting everyone's eyes... but they didn't know that a pair of sharp black eyes were looking at them in anger and jealousy was burning in his sight......

Mew's POV

I was walking to my car... in anger... seeing Gulf and Zee in that position... my blood boiled... how can Zee be so close to MY GULF!!

"MY GULF?? When was Gulf even mine?? He is dating Zee... I know that... But Why am I feeling so Jealous? Why am I feeling that I am losing something important in my life?

While all these were going in my mind... I drove my car to my office.

I wanted to go home to clear my mind....but Boss said that I have a client meeting at one of my hotels... so I have to be in office to collect my documents.. and Boss will be meeting me.. at the hotel..

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