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I am Art Pakpoom. I am an actor. I started my career in joining the drama club at college. At first my parents were against my decision in rejecting the business and joining the drama club. But my best friend, my buddy, my only secret holder Gulf came to my rescue. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kanawut.

Sadly his parents died in a plane crash leaving Gulf with my parents. We are of the same age. We had known each other since babies. Our parents were best friends so are exception....except we do fight sometimes. But if anyone messed with either of us we know how to make them shit in their pants. We were "The KP BROTHERS" and no one messed with us. Our families have a hold in college as we are the main shareholders. Our company gives a huge donation every year. But its not that we did whatever we wanted in the college.... Hell no....Our parents would kill us if we try to show off. But still people usually don't try to mess with us.

I had a bf...with whom I am about to get married today 22nd January ... the best day of my life till now.

I met PMew a music major and major in business administration in college.... I fell in love with him during the music festival that was held in college. At that time I didn't know PMew, but I was in charge of the junior drama team. When I entered the auditorium I heard a very calm and voice singing my favorite song "falling in love with you" Elvis Presley.

Hearing that song I instantly fell for him. His sharp gaze was piercing my heart, his voice was like melody to my ears .... And my heart was beating so fast that among all the music I could hear my heart beating with the song. I don't know what happened to me.... it might have been the song or the singer that made me mesmerized...... I couldn't move an inch from where I was standing and was constantly staring at him. Suddenly our eyes met and that was it I came back from my trans and literary ran away from there.

Later I found out that PMew had dedicated the song to me.... whom he saw standing like a statue in front of the auditorium.

(I didn't knew anything about it....PMew told me later. I was blushing when I heard that).

After that I met him at the drama club as he wanted to do a musical with a specific group of actors and dancers ... and he personally was auditioning everyone from the Drama club. I also gave the audition. When I was acting on stage I could see a PMew smirk a little as if he had recognized me from the festival. I tried to keep myself calm and completed my audition. Later when the results were declared I was surprised to see my name on the list. I was jumping here and here and ran towards Gulf. As I gave him the news the picked me up we were laughing and giggling.

Once we started to practice for the musical I felt like PMew was giving me more attention than the rest. We had our lunch together.... Researched on certain facts of the musical... went out for coffee after the rehearsal. We talked about our likes, dislikes and surprisingly we had a common interest in songs and sweets. Both of us always try to taste different kinds of sweets and compare them. We had the same habit. After a month of our hard work and tiring rehearsals finally the day came when we needed to give our best for the final show. 

As I was in my makeup room and my makeup artist Lizzie was doing the final touches PMew came to my room. And on that moment Lizzie slipped and fell on me...... our lips were just an inch from one another. PMew saw us in that position and suddenly his bushy eyebrows frowned. I say 'code red' (danger) in his eyes as he pulled Lizzie off from me harshly and told her in his heavy voice to leave the room. Lizzie became scared and ran as fast as she could. 

PMew locked the door and pinned me to the chair sitting on his knee. He grabbed my face with big hands and the next second I could feel his soft lips on my own .... Within the next few minutes our kiss became wild and PMew forcefully put his tongue in my mouth tasting every part. We broke our kiss breathing heavily. I was shocked for a moment and hung my head and asked him

"PMew why did you kiss me like that? Its not that I mind but don't you think we are rushing into something which might be strange for others?"

(I wanted to tell him that I don't care about the world or my friends about their views of my sexuality... if I had to be gay for PMew I will gladly be one. But I was not sure about how PMew felt so I popped up the question)

PMew looked at me and smiled. "Nong, I fell in love with you the first day I saw you at the auditorium. The song that I sang that day I dedicated it to you. I tried to find you after the performance but by that time you already left. Later during the audition of the Musical when I saw you, I made up my mind to make you fall for me. Today seeing you close to that girl I couldn't control my feelings for you, so I confessed. Will you allow me to date you as your Bf???"

I was so happy. Finally my wish came true. Also the Musical was a hit. After the performance I along with PMew went to visit Gulf sitting in audience where PMew's brother PBright was also seated. I introduced PMew to Gulf as my Bf, PMew called PBright and introduced him to us. I could see Gulf' s reaction. He had this expression in his face when he saw PBright, just like the one I had when I saw PMew for the first time. PBright also had the same expression which I saw in PMew's eyes today.

I knew what was going in their minds. But I didn't interfere as I want them to realize their own feelings for each other with time..... thankfully whenever me, PMew met, I brought Gulf with me and PMew brought PBright with him.

A month just before graduation Gulf called me and informed me that he proposed PBright and PBright accepted him as his BF. I shouted ,"lets partyyyy!!!" Me, Gulf, PMew, PBright, Champ, No, PSan,PLlong went for drinks at the XYZ bar. We did party a lot that night , because next morning we couldn't wake up before afternoon.. hahahahaa!!!! That was a hell of a night!!!!

(just to inform you you guys might think that we are old fashioned , but me and gulf decided that we will only loose our virginity to our lifetime partners. So if you all are thinking that after the party we had sex or not.... Its NO!! Both Ps dropped us hope like Gentlemen!!!!)

So now Me and Gulf both are committed to our love, our life PMew and PBright.

After graduation I got selected for one of the movies which I auditioned for. At first PMew didn't like me acting with all the actresses. But when Gulf and PBright made him realize that he was getting jealous for no reason, he calmed down!! And I got my liberty of persuing my dream to be an actor.

One winter evening before Christmas PMew and PBright came to our house to meet Mr. and Mrs. Pakpoom. Me and Gulf were a bit surprised with their sudden visit. They requested us to be in our rooms as they need to talk to Papa and Mama.

After three hours of waiting in our room being impatient we were final called to the sitting room where everyone was seated with a tensed face. Me Gulf were scared. We were ready to face all challenges from our parents regarding the acceptance of Our LOVE..... But surprisingly they didn't say anything and all of us went to dinner.

When we were having our dinner at one of the Thai restaurants as me and Gulf prefer Thai food. And the others know very well that we can throw good tantrums over food, they all took us to Thai restaurant.

During desert time I saw both PMew and PBright looked nervous. We both saw they were tapping their legs and being restless. Suddenly both of them stood up and went on their one knee and they both had a ring in their hands. Our jaws dropped. Both of them proposing at the same time to us.

Instead of saying a Yes or No Me and Gulf were hugging each other laughing and crying at the same time. Both the Ps called us to answer their proposal. WE both said YES!!! TOGETHER. Our parents, the other guests of the restaurant all were clapping and cheering us.

We were so much happy. Me with my love PMew. Gulf with his world PBright.

And we decided to get married on the same day just after a month. So being proposed on 22nd Dec we planned to get married on 22nd January. That is today!!!!!!

"I can never express how much I really love you and how special you really are to me. But all I can say is that my life is now filled with smiles every time I am with you."

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