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Next morning Gulf came to the kitchen and was shocked to see a figure with Panda eyes and messy hair near the coffee machine trying to grind coffee bean. Gulf silently walked near the guy and took the coffee container from him.... while taking the container.....their figures brushed against each other. Gulf felt his heart skip a beat ....where as Mew felt the same...

It had a morning routine that Gulf would make coffee and tea for Mew and him.

As usual their day started ..... everyone went to their respective works.

But Gulf was thinking......thinking very hard.... That why his heart skipped a beat when his fingers touched Mew but he didn't feel anything when Zee and his hands brushed against each other


In office Zee came to visit Gulf. Saint served Coffee and cookies to the guest. At one time when both of them were about to pick up the same cookie..... when unknowingly Gulf and Zee's fingers touched. Both of them gave a smile to each other... and chose a different cookie. But one thing Gulf realized that when his fingers touched Zee's ...he didn't feel any sort of current or fast heart beat in himself.

That was confusing for Gulf...

Flashback ends.

Gulf couldn't understand what was going wrong with him....he brushed the thought aside and continued his work.

In Mew's Office.

So you are courting Gulf!!!

Yeah... im lucky that he accepted .....he needs love...Mew...


So any progress regarding the storage house.

Yes.... I came to talk about that.

Mmmm by tomorrow  it will be all over the news.

Was anyone hurt?

Nope men cleared the premises before doing their work.


So I will take my leave...

Btw Mew.... I know you love Art... but don't waste your life..being alone..Art would never want that....why don't you find your Gulf to spend the rest of your life.... You have a long way ahead..u know..

Its just a free advice from a friend to a friend.


Mew was talking in his mind..

'my Gulf...Yeah... but looks like I wont be getting my gulf as he is already with someone........

What?? What am I thinking.. shia!!!!'

After a long day..Mew came home..hoping to see a smiling face of his HOUSE MATE. But was disappointed to see the HOUSE MAID was working in the kitchen. Ania bowed and welcome Mew home Mew nodded and went to his room.

Mew was not at all happy...he went to the balcony situated above their main door.. and was in his own thoughts about his parent's proposal.. about Gulf.. when his eyes went to a red sports car.... Stopping in front of their gate.

He recognized the car to be Zee's and as astonished to see Gulf coming out of the car that to from the front passenger's seat. Mew saw Zee kissing Gulf's palm...and Gulf blushed.

He wanted to move from the scene and go back to his room....but his movement made the couple look at him... Zee and Gulf waved at him.....after which Zee left bidding Gulf GOOD BYE...

Seeing Gulf enter the house....... Mew hurried downstairs....

Mew wanted to ask so many questions to Gulf ....

But the important question can he sit in the passenger's seat beside the driver??? He had terrible nightmares and is scared to sit ......that's why while going to office.....Mew always it in the front.

Mew ran down and hit each other and fell on top of Gulf...their faces were just a few inches away... both of them could feel their hot breath.

They stayed there still looking into each other's eyes...for how long they don't know.... But a beep of incoming message on Gulf's Phone broke the spell.

Mew pulled himself up...and extended his hand towards Gulf. Gulf at first hesitated..but looking at Mew's warm eyes... he held his hand the got pulled up.

Clearing his voice Mew stated, "Zee dropped you home today?"

"yes P.."

"you were sitting on the front seat how?? As far as I are quite scared.."

"yes P... its while coming home I wanted to sit at the back..but Zee forced sit in the front. He assured that he will drive slow...and will make me feel safe... and will help me get rid of FRONTSEAT PHOBIA.."

"hahhahahaha... he said FRONTSEAT PHOBIA"

"oh.. so now you are not scared anymore..???"

"no still scared... but I realized that at one point I have to let I sat beside him... throughout the journey Zee held my hand... and to tell you the truth....i wasn't scared at all."

Mew frowned hearing Zee was holding Gulf's hand.

"Good , then from tomorrow onwards you will sit in the front... I would like to relax...while going to office."


"Goodnight Gulf" without waiting for Gulf's answer Mew left Gulf alone pouting....

Mew had a smirk in his face.. he was annoyed about the holding hands thing... but seeing Gulf pout...there was a ring in his heart... He thought ,"Gulf looks cute when he pouts"

Realizing what he was thinking... he shook his head...and went to bed.

At Mew's Office/ Gulf's office

Mew looking at the news

Gulf looking at the news

The media reports

"In the outskirts of NY a storage house burned down to ashes...due to electrical fault. The items have been completely burned. The forensic say that the factory was very far from the nearest when the factory caught fire and could not be noticed by anyone. Sources say that the factory had valuable goods....the police is trying to find the owner of the factory.."

Somewhere in one of the High Rises of NY two elderly men were in deep discussion about the loss that he have to bear because of the fire in their factory.. though no one knows its owner. They are worried that the clients who had ordered those goods...want their money back as they wont be able to produce new products on time. Now the company needs to return the money they borrowed from their clients.

The two elders were arguing about selling their shares to make up the money they need to return to their clients....

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