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"WANNA TELL ME WHAT UP WITH YOU TWO?" – MEW asked in a stern voice.

"Mmm he is my boyfriend..." - Tong said.

"boyfriend!!!!! Mmmm ... lets hear the whole story...." Mew said..

"Err..were to start..?" said Tong

"From the very beginning"- Mew answered sarcastically.............................................

Tong's story

I met Ranaulf when I went to New York for a client meet regarding our new wing. Around 4 months ago. You might remember that I wanted to stay there for a month.. as I told you that I found something interesting. That was him. I met him at the hotel where I was staying. I was drunk that night and he took me to my room. He was working as the manager there. But in the morning I found him naked beside me sleeping like an angel. I couldn't take his eyes of him..

So I kinda asked him out that day and since then we have been together. Infact I went to meet him every other weekend.. that's when I asked him to apply to this hotel.. that way we will be together always. And as he didn't have anyone there as family he applied for the job here.

But I didn't have any influence on the procedures that were followed for the hiring. He got in..with his own merit.

Mew was listening to him quietly. He shook his head and got up. Walking towards Ranaulf he looked at him. the Boy was shaking ... he held his hand out to shake. "Welcome to SV industries.. you will be working as Tong's Secretary. I am not giving you this post because of Tong.. but I saw your portfolio.. it was impressive. So a secretary's job is appropriate for you. But please keep your romantic life away from this office. Act like professionals."

With that mew shook hands with Ranaulf. Ranaulf gave a nice smile.

"Finally one step towards my goal" – Ranaulf thought

Mew went home to meet a smiling Gulf working in the kitchen with Anya...

Are we expecting someone?? Mew asked.

Yes we are..Gulf was beaming....

The bell rang... they are here...

Gulf ran to the door and opened it . "Please come in.. I hope you didn't have a problem finding the house."

"no not at all ..after all we are neighnors...." said the voice..

Mew Gulf shouted we have guests. Mew came down in his home clothes and was astonished to see the couple who he met at the hotel.. Ranaulf and Tong.

"what are you two doing here??" mew asked with an annoying voice.

"Mew that not the way to speak to the guests"..gulf pouted.. Mew rolled his eyes.

Gulf escorted his guests to the sitting room. Both of them sat on the sofa and gulf sat infront of them. Mew sat beside Gulf.

There was awkward silence between them ..but Gulf spoke breaking the silence.

"Mew I believe you know Tong and Ranaulf. isn't it funny that they work at your hotel ???We met the mall this afternoon. They were doing some shopping for their new house. And the most exciting fact is that they will be our neighbors. They will be living in the apartment in front of our house.."

"really" that was Mew's only reply..

Gulf was explaining excitingly about how they met.

When he was strolling around the shopping mall accidentally he bumped into COUPLE...and when he looked up to say sorry.. he was astonished to see a person who looks exactly like him.... both of them were surprised.. and apologized ..shook hands exchanged their addresses .. and coincidentally they were neighbors. So Gulf took the initiative to invite them for dinner.

Mew was listening to Gulf with keen interest. He had a doubt. He thought.. "there are a lot of coincidences in one day..."

he excused himself for a call and said..

"get me all information about the new guy Ranaulf and Tong.. i nedd every tiny bit of details.. dont miss a thing.." Mew said ..... he thought that some thing fishy is going on ..which he needs to figure out.. for Gulf's safety..for his safety and his family's safety....

he hopes that all his doubts prove wrong.... but needs to be sure about that...


hey readers..

i am so sorry that i am taking time to update the chapter.. please bear with me and support me.. my new semester has started.. and its quite hectic for me.. 

so i have decided that i will publish the next chapter probably by the end of next week.. 

so..happy reading.. 

dont forget to vote and comment. 

and please hav some patience new twists are knocking at the door...


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