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The Kids

The Pakpooms brought Myn and Lyn to their own house where the two couples lived with their children.

Though the girls where small....but they were a lot matured according to their. When they entered the house they felt a kind of emptiness as if life was lost in this house. The Pakpooms felt the same.

Mew and Gulf where waiting for the kids. When they saw each other... the kids ran towards them ....crying and hugging...

Mrs Pakpoom was in tears seeing her children in pain.

They have seen the girls crying in their sleep asking for their parents .....but they couldn't do anything.

But seeing Mew and Gulf together with the kids Mrs Pakpoom thought to herself... "my children are hardly 30 years... I wish they could settle down in life... Shia... what am I thinking...they still haven't got over their partner's death.... And I am thinking about settling their life again... I am such a bad mother..."

She said it a bit loud... Mr Pakpoom heard her. He said...

"Honey do you see...what I am seeing right now?"

Mr. and Mrs. Pakpoom saw a scene.. Mew and Gulf hugging their daughters together. Suddenly they felt that the house didn't look as dead as it looked when they came in.

"Yes My dear.." replied Mrs Pakpoom.. "but don't you think it's a bit too early for what we are thinking...its just been a month after Bright and Art passed away. We can't be that cruel...can we??

"I think you are right...Honey"... replied Mr Pakpoom with a sigh.

That night the family had dinner together...and left the four in their house. Mew...Gulf...Myn...Lyn....

Myn and Lyn went to bed ..and Mew and Gulf went to their rooms.... Both of them did not speak to one another....about what happened during the day.

Late at night both Mew and Gulf came running to the girls' room. They saw the sisters crying hugging each other taking Art and Bright's name

MYN: "Papa...please come back... please come back... I miss you...I love you...please come back !!!!!""

LYN: "Dad .... I don't want you to leave and Papa... we cannot live without you..!!!! please come back....!!!!

Gulf ran towards Myn and Mew went to Lyn. They picked the girls up and embraced them in their arms .... Brushing their calm them down... once the girls calmed... they looked at Mew and Gulf.

Myn: "Papa ... you are back... I love you Papa Art.

Lyn: " Dad... you are back...I knew you cant leave me... Dada Bright.. I miss you soo much..... don't leave LYN again.

.....Mew and Gulf were taken aback.... They didn't expect this to happen .... They looked at each other...but broke their eye contact... and put the girls in bed.

They slowly left their daughters to sleep and went to their respective rooms....with their head hanging...

That night both of them couldn't sleep.

In the morning ..... the Girls were up early ......dressed themselves and went for breakfast. Mew and Gulf were both having morning coffee.....

The sisters saw Mew and Gulf at the table. It reminded them how they used to have a lively breakfast in the morning....with their Dads and Papas at the table..

They used to play with food... while Lyn used to run and Gulf would follow her to have cereal for breakfast. Lyn never liked cereal for breakfast.... Gulf would run after her... laughing ..telling her it was healthy....

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