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A week has passed since the arrest of the uncles.....and Gulf is satisfied that finally Mew was able to avenge his parents death, his husband and brother's death. Mew was also happy to see Gulf.

Like everyday Mew and Gulf went for their work. But they almost forgot that the day hold a special place in their heart. Mew was as usual busy with his work when Boss came in and told him that he has a meeting with the investors. Mew looked at his table calendar and saw a mark. Seeing the mark he realized that on this day a year back....he confessed his love to Art. Remembering that day made Mew's heart sink in Sorrow. He told Boss to cancel all his meetings today as he wants to stay aloe in his office. Boss saw a sudden change in Mew and left him without asking questions. He didn't want to give more pain to his Boss as sadness was seen in his face. Staying the whole day in office Mew was about to leave for his home,...but instead he went to a nearby he cannot handle the pain in his heart anymore.

He missed Art. He missed his laugh, his touch. Mew thought that may be being drunk his pain will go ..but no he was feeling worse.

In Gulf's Office.

Gulf remembered the day but he didn't want Mew to remember today's date because it will cause more sadness and pain. And Gulf cannot see Mew in pain..after he had done so many things for him. But at the back of his mind..he was worrying about how Mew might be once he realizes today's date.

Zee called Gulf and they had a dinner date..Gulf didn't want to go... as he also remembered that today was the first day he met Bright. But he made his heart understand that he needs to move on. He accepted Zee's invitation.

He finished his work and was about to leave ..when he got a call from Mew.

He picked the call

Hello P..

"hello, this is the manager of XYZ bar .. "


"Sir Mew is totally drunk and we tried to send him home. But he refuses to leave. Sir if you don't mind..can you please come and pick him up. He is not in a state to move."

Gulf knew this would happen. He said, "im on my way."

He called Zee to tell him that he wont be able to make for the dinner today....but ZEE's Phone was unavailable. He called Siant and told him to Visit Zee's house to inform that he wont be able to make for the he needs to take Mew home.

Saint did as he was told.

Gulf reached XYZ bar .. and when he entered he found Mew at a corner totally wasted.

His heart sank to see Mew's condition.

He released a sign and went towards Mew. He gentally brushed Mew's hair and called "P?"

Mew with heavy teary eyes looked at him....and smiled...."hey Gulf"

"Come P lets go home"

"no I want to stay... I don't wanna go home"

"shhhh...P...let me take you home."

Gulf pulled Mew up and went towards his car where the driver wwas waiting for them.

Mew fell asleep on Gulf's shoulders while going home.

After they reached home...Gulf took Mew straight to his room. When he put Mew in bed and was about to leave Mew held his hand. He gestured Gulf to sleep beside him. Gulf was hesistant at first but seeing Mew he couldn't say no. Before Gulf could move Mew pulled him on top of him.........

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