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Mew woke up in a luxury room..and Gulf was sitting infront of him..he was wearing the tux that they bought that the mall.

Gulf had a serious look on his face.. "So care to tell me what are doing to yourself? How could you faint in the middle of a wedding..??

Mew looked down ..he didn't know what to answer..

"I was drunk last night .. I woke up late..didnt take my breakfast..took some pain killers and came running to the wedding.."

Gulf blinked at Mew..."What? Who takes painkiller on empty stomach? And why were you drunk?"

Mew looked at Gulf in the eye and said.."because I couldn't handle you getting married to someone else when I claimed you as mine..that night?"

Gulf was now angry.. "claimed me?? Huh... stop joking P.. you admitted yourself that it was a mistake.. and I was SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED WHICH WAS WHY I TOOK ADVANTAGE OF YOU"

Gulf was in tears..

Mew walked up to Gulf ... he rubbed thee tears from Gulf's cheeks..

"I am sorry... about what I said... but that time I was confused..i had Art in his heart..and then you came along and made me alive..i felt those things that I felt for Art..i am not complaining though...but I was fighting with my self not to fall in love with you..but I couldn't help to fall for you.... I would have never admitted my feelings if you didn't marry Gulf.. but I m are married..and I am sorry I thought that I will be able to stop the wedding and make you mine..but guess I lost you!!"

Gulf heard Mew's confession..a smile crept on his lips..

"P ..why do you need to stop the wedding to confess to me? You could have taken you or time to come to me and confess!!! And who said your late???"

Mew was blank..what was Gulf saying...

"I saw you and Zee completing your vows.. how am I not late..?"

"P did you really notice the two grooms??"


"Zee please come in.."

Zee came in smiling..he had Saint in his arms..

Mew was shocked...

"Ummm..ummm... you and Zee?? What about You and Zee?" Mew said looking at Gulf and Saint..

Is there anything I am missing??"

"P.. Zee is married to my secretary..rather ex-secretary Saint..."

"But you were supposed to be in love with Zee and marry him...

"I guess Gulf will explain everything...I need to attend the guests of my wedding.. so see ya.."

"bye Sir Mew"......Saint said

Mew gave an awkward expression... looked at Gulf with so any questions...

"Gulf care to explain..."

"What if I don't?"


"Fine.. it was actually Saint's Idea.. to make to started the day you left..seeing me and Zee in a weird position....then that night...we pretended to be a lovely couple... btw Zee and Saint also went into relationship two days after 'THAT DAY'... Zee came to me to confess his feelings for Saint.. and I confessed my feelings for you.. so we decided to be back to friends.. though we really love each other..but that brotherly love..YOU know.."

"but if you guys come you kiss Zee?"


Gulf thought.. "P ...I don't remember kissing Zee ..and why would I kiss him when I am in love with you??"

"Then what was that I saw ,when Zee dropped you to your parent's house??????"

Gulf thought......... then it dawned on him....

"oh God..No.. you thought we kissed?? No way... he was clearing dust from my eyes.."

"But how did you see us?"

Mew was in awkward position... "Errrr ..I followed your car..."

"huh..." Gulf was the one to be surprised...

Anyway... let me continue... we tried to provoke your jealousy by bringing you with us for shopping, and to make you understand we had to the drastic step of fake marriage..though in the end everything was being planned for Zee and Saint's wedding...I just needed to pretend that I was getting married...

I also wished to get married to you some day.." Gulf hung his head...

"finally you confessed......and I was happy....tell me P.. whatever I did are you going to hate me..for this drama??"

Mew came closer to Gulf and lifted his face placing is hands on his chin ... he leaned forward..and kissed Gulf slowly...

Their kiss started as soft ..but it became a passionate kiss.... Mew was nibbling Gulf's lower lips ..his tongue was asking permission to enter....Gulf gladly opened his mouth.... Mew explored Gulf's mouth with his tongue.... Their tongues swirled against each other......Mew's hands went to Gulf's waist pulling his lower part closer while Gulf wrapped his arms around Mew's neck.. their fronts were crushing each other..if it was possible their bodies would merge together...

Mew took out Gulf's shirt and his hands roamed around gulf's back..... feeling every part of his skin ...

Gulf still kissing Mew let his hands unbutton Mew's shirt to feel his hot pale skin underneath.

They parted with their mouth breadth ....

Gulf was blushing.. Mew looked at him and said.. "Gulf I love you so much....i thank you for the drama...if you hadn't I wouldn't be able to accept my love for you.. To tell you the truth I was skeptical as my consciousness was telling me that I should only love Art..but my heart told me that it has you in it... Art is gone and I accept that...I want to make you mine..i want to Love You Always forever..till death do you part...Thank you for coming to my life..and for showing me that I am still alive..THANK YOU FOR MENDING MY HEART WITH YOUR LOVE... I AM SORRY I HURTED YOU SO MUCH..I MADE YOU CRY... BUT I PROMISE I WILL LOVE YOU..I WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY... AND WILL NEVER HURT YOU.....

Gulf was in tears ..never he expected that Mew will be confessing his heart out to him..he was so happy..


well hello everyone

i hope you will like this chapter

its kinda short.. and the story is coming to it end..but i do want to write about Mew and Gulf of their life after they came together..till they get married..

what should i do..tell me?? 

do you want me to complete the story or continue writing...??




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