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I had a bad dream.... I saw gulf and Zee making out just in front of me...... I tried to shout and stop them...but why couldn't I shout....

Gulf was talking Zee's name... I so wanted that to be me... Gulf screaming my name...while I mess him up... I wanted to hear his moan....i wanted to touch him... I wanted him to touch me... and make me alive again.

Before Gulf left.. I started to feel like ... my life had a meaning... It had a purpose... I may have admitted it now....if I had realized it then..then I wouldn't have to lose Gulf..

I miss him soo much...

Fuck... why do I keep thinking about my dream... why cant I see Gulf with Zee.. in fact thinking about Gulf being with Zee makes my blood boil. I know I am stupid... I know I insulted Gulf.. which was wrong....

Why couldn't Gulf wait for me....for some time....????

Why didn't he wait for me to say Sorry???

Why is have this feeling of jealousy like I had when I was with Art?

Am I in love with Gulf?? But that would betray Art!! I love Art? How can I love two persons at the same time... what is wrong with me!!!!???

I need to speak to him....

I need to see him...

I couldn't wait for lunch hours.. I went to meet him while I was going to office.

I went to his office to meet him. I saw Saint ...he was talking to Zee.. was blushing...

I didn't pay attention to them....I just told Saint that I was there to meet Gulf and no one should bother us until we finish the meeting.

I went in ...

I saw Gulf was working on his computer.


Gulf was surprised to see me

"P ... what are you doing here?"

"Errr.... I AM SORRY"

"SORRY FOR WHAT?" Gulf shouted.

I was taken aback.... "I am sorry ..for insulting you that night.. I wanted to apologize to you that day..but seeing you and Zee in that position I couldn't take it...."

"whats wrong in that? We are back dating... I confessed to him everything that happened and we decided to give each other a second you don't have to be angry at me or anything...because I have decided to give up on you and I am moving on.. btw me and the girls will be moving back to the house.. because it becomes difficult for me to come to office.. even the girls are having a problem with t their school."

I hung his head... i was happy that Gulf was returning home...but I was sad that I was not the reason of his return...

"P.. I think we are done for today... I don't mean to be rude but PLEASE LEAVE..we have nothing to talk about." "I have a meeting so I will be leaving... PLEASE TAKE CARE."

Gulf passed me.. I was standing there my head hung.....

I turned and walked towards the door... I saw Zee standing near the door... I wanted to avoid and leave but he stopped me... he said, "Mew we need to talk"...................

We went to the same café where me and Gulf met to talk about his relationship..and again today I am sitting in front of the person who was in a relationship with Gulf...MY he is not MY GULF..he is Zee's GULF.

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