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Gulf was working in his office when he heard a knock on the door..

"Come in!!"

"Sir.. I have some information regarding the person you wanted to search about.."

'So its here..what have you found..."

"Well sir ..he was born in NewYork ..thats the certificate says but he was financed since he was a year old till he was adult by none other than your Uncle...Tayte. And also another person is also doing a background check on him.."

"mmm that's probably be Zee...okay Thanks."

"MC can you do me favor.. I need a DNA sample of Ranaulf.. can you find way to get it.."

"OMG.. Sir Gulf ... that will take a few minutes..."

"You sure are much capable than my previous secretary..

"Yup.. the thing is .. I have some Badass friends from the life I left long back.. they are quite genuine..and reliable.... I took this job..because I want to do something better ..and Saint provided a good opportunity.. and I am glad that I am working as your secretary..."

Gulf smiled.. MC bowed and left!!!!

So Ranaulf... looks like you do have some secrets your heart.... How did you think that working under Mew ..then bumping onto me.. being overfriendly.....will just be a coincidence for me.. I may be a simple person ...but not a fool..

The doubt that I have..let see if my doubts are correct... till then..let me see what you do..!!

Gulf left his work and he went to pick Mew up..

When his Bf came down..Gulf felt pity for him.... quite a toll on you my dear lover..only because of me.. but not this time... "I AM TAKING CHARGE"...

Mew sat on the passenger's seat and pecked Gulf's cheeks which made him blush...

Gulf started the car and drove off.. throughout the drive..they hardly spoke..Mew was in deep thought.. he was arguing with tell Gulf about Ranaulf or not..

They came home and Myn and Lyn came running to hug their fathers. Both of them found comfort in their children's arms.

Later that night Mew was still in thought when Gulf came over massaging his shoulders... "Stressful day?"

Mew enjoyed Gulf's massage and purred.. "MMM"

Want me to show you heaven.. Gulf whispered ...

Mew gulped.. it has been a year they are together.. but still when Gulf tries to seduce Mew ..he gets nervous immediately..

Gulf took Mew's hands and led him to their bed..

"Baby.." Gulf nuzzled his nose inhaling Mew's masculine smell whereas Gulf's chocolate shampoo fragrance reached Mew's nose...

Gulf nuzzling Mew moved his head and faced Mew... cupping his face with his slender warm hands Gulf kissed Mew with full passion.

Mew unable to restrain himself... grabbed Gulf's Butt cheeks and squeezed..the younger's hand engulfed his hands around Mew's nape..they started to make standing infront of their bed.

After feeling like they kissed so long..Gulf pushed Mew and made him lay flat on his back...

He crawled on top of his BF and started to kiss him... Mew was enjoying Gulf's seduction...and was not reciprocating to it... it excited Gulf the most.. they had this invisible understanding...u know.......................................

The bambi-eyed boy kissed his bf..and his hands started to unbutton Mew's Buttoned T-shirt ... he himself took off his T-shirt making his bare tanned chest visible to Mew...

He smirked seeing Mew droll.. "Hubby... wont you touch me a little..." took the older's hands and rubbed on his chest...

Mew now was at his height of controlling..he flipped Gulf ... splashing his long hair and bangs on the pillow... he didn't kiss Gulf on the lips but went straight to the taunted nipple... sucking..nibbling.. licking it.. helping Gulf to moan in pleasure..

Taking off their boxers and tossing them over Mew took the younger junior inn his mouth... sucking it... moving his mouth up and down and up and down... until Gulf ejected in his mouth..

Mew gulped the whole liquid and said..."SWEET"

Flipping Gulf over he took Vaseline and massaged it in and out of Gulf's hole... after which he inserted his dick into the cute pink hole.. Gulf moaned in the pillow... and after that... only heavy breathing and moans could be heard..along with.. "HARDER" ... "FASTER"... "Ahhhhs" ... and finally "CUMMING(in unison)"

Mew lay on Gulf's Chest... his arms on gulf's belly... and the younger's one arm place on top of Mew's hands while the other wrapped around the handsome man's shoulders..

They walked to their dream world... leaving all thoughts behind.. just to enjoy their blissful sleep...tomorrow they will be ready to face the challenge named Ranaulf...


hey guys ... 

well another chapter down.. i hope you all will love the chapter..

share your thoughts and comment.. dont forget to give a star..

happy reading..

you all might think that why i a taking time to upload the chapters of this story.. you might think i am neglecting this one..

but thats not correct.. this is my fist story.. since i started to write .. so i am trying my best to give the best of the best in this one.. 

PS .. i am trying my best to give the best of the best to my other stories...

quite confusing right..?????


just playing with the mind... HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA

have a good day.. everyone.. 

see you 

loads of love and kisses


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