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General POV

After Bright passed away..... Mew and the family held another burial ceremony.

Two death in one day was a lot for them. Art and Bright were buried beside one another.

The family was now worried about Gulf. He was still unconscious. They didn't know how to break the new of Art and Bright's death to him when he wakes up. Three days after the burial ceremony of Bright ...Gulf slowly woke up from his sleep. The doctors were relieved that Gulf heart was working fine. Mew came to visit Gulf being a brother-in-law..... couldn't meet seeing Gulf he would be reminded about how Art's heart was beating inside him.

Mrs Suppasit and Mrs. Pakpoom brought Mew to meet Gulf when he was awake. When gulf saw Mew suddenly his heart started to beat fast

Tuktak... tuktak..... tuktak.....

Gulf was clueless as to why his heart was beating fast seeing Mew.

When Gulf woke up he couldn't remember what had happened. Why was he in the hospital...

He asked for Bright..... but everyone ignored him... He wanted to see Art... but no one talked about him.

Gulf realized that they were hiding something from him. He pretended not to ask again. But there were lots of questions going in his mind.

Whenever Mew came to visit his heart would beat so fast.

One morning when Gulf was eating breakfast Mew came to visit him. Gulf found the perfect opportunity to ask him about Art and Bright.

Gulf: PMew... can I ask you something???

Mew knew what was Gulf about to ask.. so he said.. "finish your breakfast Gulf... we will talk later about them."

But Gulf was determined.

Gulf: why is everyone avoiding my question regarding Art and Bright??? Why didn't they come to visit me even once?? Are they angry on me PMew??? Please tell me the truth... I cant take this anymore....

Gulf started to cry.

Mew was trying hard not to get annoyed when Gulf talked about Art and Bright..... but Gulf was not leaving him..... he was crying and nagging to know about Art and Bright.

Mew couldn't hold his patience anymore..... he burst out...

Mew: "You want to know about Art and Bright right??" "So Listen.... Art and Bright are dead from the accident that happened a week ago....and you were also about to die if we didn't allow Art's heart to be transplanted inside of you.... Art gave you his heart after he died.... And Bright died of third degree injury from the accident. Now you know about Art and Gulf... Are you satisfied?"

Mew couldn't hold his tears. He started to cry silently hanging his head. Suddenly he heard the spoon fall on the ground. Mew looked at Gulf and got panicked. Gulf's eyes were with tears...suddenly he collapsed.

Mew immediately called the doctors .. and told them what had happened. The doctors shook their head in disbelief. They informed Art's parents and they came as fast as they could. Seeing Gulf lying unconscious made Mrs. Pakpoom heart cry. She wanted to scold Mew. But seeing Mew's condition she didn't say anything.

Everyone one was waiting for Gulf to wake up. They were eager to know Gulf's reaction.

Finally after a day Gulf woke up.... He was completely silent. He didn't eat or take his meds. The doctors were worried that he might have another panic attack if he behaves like that.

Gulf wanted to meet Mew and the Pakpooms.

The doctors were asked to leave the room when they arrived.

Gulf lowered his head when the doctors left.

He wanted to get up but Mrs. Pakpoom instructed him to stay in bed.

Still Gulf bowed infront of Mew and said.......

Gulf: PMew , Mama and papa... I am extremely sorry you all had to lose your beloved ones. I should have been the one to die,..... not Art or Bright. I wished they had killed me alone when they killed my parents.

Mew , the Pakpooms were shocked!!!

Mr. Pakpoom: Gulf !!!! who are you talking about??

(Mr. Pakpoom knew about whom Gulf was talking about but he acted as he didn't know)

Gulf: you know Papa about whom I am talking about. My uncle and his son and your brother. I know you guys are wondering how I know about them.

With a heavy sign Gulf said...

"I am the CEO of the KP enterprise. When I became the CEO... the first thing I did without your knowledge was knowing who our rivals were. While going through the CONFIDENTIAL Files..... I came across the report regarding my parents' death. I came to know THAT was them..... they made me orphan...... I thank God that you both were not in the private jet. Otherwise I would have lost everyone of you. Me and Art would have been alone.... But im happy you all are alive and safe. I sorry about Art....

 Few days back before the accident I got a call from them threatening me that they would kill me if I reopened the investigation about my parents' death. But I didn't pay heed to their warning..... Because I knew if I they did anything ..... they would come for me not the others. What I didn't know that they would plan a brake failure to kill. I believe you all remember that before the accident I didn't take Art with me to his shoot in my car because I was prepared for what was coming for me. 

But that day Art and Bright forced themselves to go with me. I declined them yet at the last moment both of them sat next to me to leave for office and shooting. I was in a hurry..... so I didn't argue. But look at my fate ... the accident happened on that day. I put my guard down... and two most important persons of my life were taken away!!!!!

Gulf started to shout... They took what I valued the most ..... back at that time and now....

I will kill them... I will kill them.. I will....

Gulf was having another panic attack. The doctors came running to Gulf and gave him a sedative.

Mew couldn't see what was happening to Gulf and left .... Mr and Mrs. Pakpoom left the room with him.

Mew was angry. He had never been this angry in his entire life. He felt like if "they" were in front of him.....he would shoot every one of them in point blank range.

Mew knew what he had to do. He had to avenge for the death of Art and Bright and also Gulf's parents................

to be continued....

happy reading

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