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"Gulf ..Mew... if you guys have resolved your issues....kindly join the party" Mrs Suppasit said..

They were still in trans to understand that they are finally together resolving all their issues.

Mew promised himself that he will never do anything to hurt Gulf.....his Gulf.....

They both fixed each other with big smiles and left the room hand in hand. Both of them promised themselves that they will never leave this hand again... what ever problem arises..they will fight it together.

With that promise they entered the wedding area.

The atmosphere was so lively..everyone was laughing..singing.. Gulf held his glass for a toast congratulating the newly married couple.

The Suppasits and Pakpooms were very happy to see their sons together.

"mom you guys know about the whole drama...?"

Mrs Suppasit.. "Honey..initially we didn't knew about this but after we had a talk with you at your office we went to meet Gulf's parents ...there we came to know about this plan... I must say... I do have a charming clever son-in-law... who actually pushed my stubborn son to accept his feeling....

Gulf dear..if any day Mew creates a problem or hurt you... we want you to come to us.."

"Mom... I will never hurt him.."

"so what about marriage?? Are you guys planning anything..??"

"mmmmm..aunty we have just come together...thinking of marriage is too early.. we need to spend more time with each other.."

"Papa...Dad.." Myn and Lyn came running to their fathers.. they picked them up and Myn said..

"are you guys really together now?? We are complete family aren't we?"

"Yes my love... we are..."

"then lets go home.."

Mrs Suppasit.. "angels let Dad and Papa go home to day..okay we will drop you guys tomorrow.."


Mrs Suppasit winked at the boys..

Gulf blushed.. Mew was embarrassed..he looked somewhere else.

The reception of Zee and Saint went very nicely... seeing the newly married couples happy and the new couple happy everyone rejoiced the evening...

Later that night Mew and Gulf left the wedding to their home which was now truly belonged to Gulf and Mew ..its their home.

Mew was holding Gulf's hand throughout the journey....

Gulf was just looking at Mew with love in his eyes.

They arrived home and parked the car...

Once they entered ... mew pulled Gulf in his arms and kissed him with full passion and love. Gulf replied with his hungry lustfull kisses..

Flew away their blazers ..shirts ...tie ... they were kissing hard only their pants on...

Mew's arms were wrapped around Gulf's waist ..and gulf wrapped his tanned slim arms around Mew's neck...

Mew pulled Gulf's lower part close to his junior ..just brushing them together.. both felt hot..

Mew's hands left Gulf's waist to his hips...he pulled Gulf slightly up ...Gulf wrapped his legs around Mew's waist..

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