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Gulf was disappointed with Mew's answer... he expected that at least Mew would try to convince him not to marry..But here he was congratulating him...

Gulf went to his room and called Zee..

"Zee I think PMew really doesn't love was really a mistake...what do I do?

"Calm down Gulf... Mew is just in denial... he will come back..."

"But I don't want the marriage to be ruined...if he creates any trouble. ... it should be a memorable day for us..."

"I know.. don't worry.... Everything is going as planned...tomorrow we will go shopping to buy suits... are u ready?"

"Yes Zee... I want the best suit to be selected...afterall it's a very important occasion of my life.."

"great see you tomorrow then... and get some sleep.."


Gulf didn't know that someone at the door was eagerly listening to their conversation.

Mew heard Gulf will be buying his suit for the wedding...


GOOD MORNING P... your coffee...

Mew was taken aback seeing Gulf lively..and also he made his morning coffee..

Gulf.. I think you should stop making coffee for me..."

"y P?"

"you will be married..and will live with Zee... I don't want to get used to your morning Coffee."

"mmm dats true..but till I am here ...I will make the first coffee for you...Gulf gave Mew an innocent smile.."

"btw P..are you free today?"


"well...I need to buy my wedding suit... and I want to you to give me company..."

"why? Wont Zee be there?"

"yeah..he will be.. but the thing is ..he likes everything that I it will be hard for me to I want you to choose a wedding suit for me.."

"Gulf.. I have a meeting early morning... I dont think I can accompany you"

"But P..please... it's a very special day for me...I want to look my best"

"fine I'll try"

"Thanks P"..

Mew was trying to avoid the shopping ..but Gulf's Puppy face...didn't let do so...


"P Mew over here.."

Mew saw Gulf in a casual wear.. simple T and faded jeans.. Gulf looked so cute..

Mew saw Zee wrapping is arms around Gulf.. he controlled his emotions..

So were are we going?? Mew asked..

"That way.."

Zee and Gulf both were trying their wedding suits.

After trying a few suits Gulf came out wearing a tux with bow tie... both Mew and Zee were looking at him in AWE!!!

He was looking gorgeous..

Looking at the mirror...Gulf asked.."How do I Look?"

"How do I Look?"

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