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Mew's POV

Gulf insisted in going back home with me. When we arrived he went straight to his room leaving his belongings behind. I didn't care . I went to my room to shower. It had been a hectic day.......Gulf's release from the hospital... my plan to take down Tayte Kanawut and with Charlie's brother Charlley Pakpoom...... They made everyone SUFFER by taking someone dear to them. They need to pay for their sins.

A day before Gulf was released from the hospital... I went to office in the morning and asked my secretary Taylor to get information about Tayte and Charlley within 24 hours. Today Taylor called me up and gave me the information I was seeking for.

People who know me..... they way that I am a someone who they should be scared about. Because when it comes to business I'm DANGEROUS.,... but if you hurt my family.... I will be the DEVIL tailing you throughout your life....until I ruin you to the core.

I was informed that they had their partnership in illegal business of selling duplicate products in the foreign market. But they do it so smoothly right under the nose of the LAW that they were never caught. They had a few contacts in the Law Department ..... which was why they did their business peacefully. May be because of their contacts Gulf parents' case was dismissed due to lack of evidence.

I need to somehow find a away to find proof against them and make them rot in jail. I may not put them in prison for the accident that happened..but I can take advantage of their illegal business and put them behind bars. That's my plan.

Meanwhile I had my shower and went to see if the dinner was ready. On my way to the kitchen I was that Gulf's bag was still there where the helpers left it. I got worried about him having another panic attack I rushed to his room with his bag which also had his meds. In front of his room I calmed myself down and knocked.

First knock .....NO Reply

Second Knock...I heard something move.

Gulf opened the door. When I saw him.... I felt like I was seeing myself in the same state I was in....when I came home alone after Art and Bright's Burial. I felt pain in my heart seeing Gulf. I realized that I cannot blame him for everything that happened because he was also a victim.... He suffered more as he had to lose his brother...and his partner. I felt that his suffering is more than that of mine.

I asked him softly.....

"Gulf are you okay????" ....................

Suddenly he hugged me and started to cry.... I didn't know what to do....

He was continuously apologizing to me.... He was sorry that because of him Art and Bright had to die.

I was totally blank. My hands automatically hugged him..... and we both sobbed in each other's warmth. I don't know what was happening to me.....MAY BE WE FELT EACH OTHER'S SORROW.... MAY BE THIS WAS A FEELING OF EMPATHY OR SYMPATHY !!!!!

Gulf calmed down when I patted his back to comfort him.

We looked at each other..... like we knew how our hearts felt empty.

We broke away from one another.... I cleared my voice and said..

"Gulf ...your bag ..."

"Thanks P"...

"I believe dinner is ready....... Will you come down for dinner...or you want me send your dinner to your room."

No, P... give me 10 mins ..... I will freshen up and come down. I can't have dinner alone in his room as it has Bright's memory everywhere. Also I will shift to one of the other rooms as I need to plan how to take those nasty bastards down.

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