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The doctors were seriously discussing about Gulf's condition as they already know that Art and Bright wont survive. But they need to take a decision regarding how to save Gulf as bleeding from the heart cannot be stopped. Mew and all the parents were part of the discussion. They need to decide fast otherwise Gulf won't survive much long. One of the doctors suggested for a heart transplant. 

Dr Phana is a heart surgeon and he suggested that only a heart transplant can save Gulf. But who will be willing to give his /her heart. They cant just kill a person for a transplant. The only way was Bright's Heart or art's Heart. At first Mew was against his surgery as he doesn't want any knife on Art's body.... he unwillingly wants Art to die in peace. And Bright was his brother....he cannot allow that either. The doctors gave the family 24 hours to think what decision they need to take.

(after the doctors left...)

Mew: That's impossible!!!! I will never allow this...... No matter what I wont allow any surgery on their body.... I know they are leaving me forever. But at least I can let them die in peace.

Mr Pakpoom: Mew.... son I know you love Art a lot.... He is your beloved partner. But Mew... Art is our son and Gulf's Best Friend and brother.... if Art was conscious he would have willingly give his life for Gulf. We both know that.... Including you... he loved Gulf more that anything in the world.

Mrs. Pakpoom: I know it will be hard for us and you to accept this.... If Art's heart matches with Gulf....then Art will be still living inside Gulf. Don't you think so???????? This way we will save both Art and Gulf.

Mew: But... do you think I will be able to look at Gulf's face when I know that Art had to die because of Gulf.

Mrs. Pakpoom: I understand what you think.... But Art is our son..... this is the only way we think of saving both Art and Gulf. At least my son will live inside Gulf. We will be happy about that. We will see our Art his life inside Gulf.

(Mrs. Pakpoom was in tears.... her mouth covered with hands and crying silently. It was the hardest decision the Pakpooms had to take in their life. They knew that they couldn't save Gulf's parents, but if their dying son can help Gulf live ..... then at least they can live in peace that their son will live inside Gulf was their son too.)

(They cannot go with Bright's Heart as the size of Bright's heart and his blood type does not match with that of Gulf. Whereas Art and Gulf having more or less same Physique..... they have their heart and blood group a perfect match. The doctors and the family members were shocked to see the results. The reason is usually a perfect heart and same blood type is found among family members according to the doctors. Art and Gulf's case is very rare as they are not blood related. To them they felt like it was God's will that Art fate was made to save Gulf. So they tried to persuade Mew giving him these reasons.)

(Finally Mew agreed for the transplant after Mrs. Pakpoom's repeated persuasion. He realized how hard it was for her to take the decision. Everyone was waiting to see any kind of improvement in Art. But sadly Art died early in the morning 6.10 am to be exact. The doctors with a heavy heart prepared for the surgery. )

The day Art died Gulf and Art's lifeless body were taken to the OT for the transplant. After a struggle of 5 hours the doctors came out with a satisfaction in their face.... saying that the surgery was successful. Gulf was out of danger..... but he needs to be observed for the next 48 hours to monitor the condition of the heart.

Mew saw Art's lifeless body taken to the Morgue. It was decided that there wont be any postmortem as it was a case of brake failure. And Mew didn't want any other knife cutting Art's body.... They all decided to give Art a nice burial with only a few people who Art love the most. Sadly Gulf had no clue about what was happening as all these happened within the 48hours of his monitoring period. They didn't want to wait for Gulf as they knew Gulf wont be able to see his brother and best friend being buried and his heart is beating inside his chest.

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