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Only two 3 days left for the wedding. Zee's family had already arrived for the wedding....

The families were busy preparing for the marriage celebration. Gulf's family, Zee's family, in fact Saint's parents were also invited. The marriage ceremony would take place at the beach resort which was 4 hours from the city.

The marriage ceremony would be held in the morning...and reception in the evening...

The families were super excited.. infact Mew's parents were happy that finally Gulf would be finding a partner to settle down. Though they are his in-laws they always wanted gulf to be happy though they really wanted Gulf to be with Mew..but they cant do anything as their son a a stubborn JERK..

Among all of them Mew was the only one who was helping with the arrangements half-heartedly. Being in the HOTEL ..his event management department was given the charge to manage Gulf's wedding..

The girls already bought their dresses for the wedding.....

Time flies when everyone is preparing for the marriage....

Gulf and every member of the family already arrived at the resort.

As the marriage will be held in the morning.. they left for the venue the previous day..

Only Mew was left behind. Gulf's parents asked Mew to join them.. but Mew excused them saying he had a meeting he will arrive at the day of the marriage.

No one pursued him..

They left happily.

Actually Mew didn't have any meeting...for the rest of the day...

He was just lying on his office couch...the whole day trying not to think about the wedding...

He realized he loved Gulf but it was too late and also he was fighting his guilt..his guilt for falling in love with Gulf whereas ..he promised Art that he will love him throughout his life...

He left office early and went to a nearby bar

He took shots one after the other ..just to realist that he was feeling tipsy.

He hallucinated Gulf smiling at him...

He again took another shot..

He called the Manager to book him a a cab.

Half tipsy he left for home with in the cab.

When he reached home the whole house was dark and empty...

He was the only living being in that house....

His heart felt empty...

He slumped in the couch ...put the cushion on his eyes and drifted off to slumber..tears flowing down his temple.






Mew woke up to find himself standing on the beach looking at Gulf and Zee getting married ...

Their hands held together....

Then he felt someone's presence beside him... his presence was very familiar... a short slin figure with cute dimples smiling at him like the first ray of sun...

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