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Gulf woke up early morning... actually he couldn't have proper sleep..Mew's words were running in his mind.... "Its all your fault.."

"You could have stopped me.... Because of you I betrayed my Art......

Are you soo much sexually frustrated that you slept with me.....

Gulf was extremely angry,.....disappointed... he never expected Mew would say that.

He went to the kitchen to make tea for himself...this time he didn't bother to make grind coffee for Mew...

He was praying not to meet Mew in the morning...and gladly his pray was answered.

He couldn't see Mew in the kitchen..

He was also happy that the girls were not at home..they were with Gulf's parents. They didn't have to experience their father's fight...

Gulf decided.... He will not see Mew any more...he hurriedly went to his ready for office... and booked a cab.

While he was leaving his room he heard Mew's room unlock.... Without looking there he some how ran to the door...and got into his cab...and left......

When mew opened came out of his room was baggy eyes...he saw Gulf leaving ..before he could run after Gulf ...Gulf already boarded the Cab and left...

Mew thought... once Gulf comes home in the evening.... He will apologize for his rude behavior..

Mew thought out the night felt guilty.... About shouting at Gulf...about what he said was wrong.... He hurt Gulf....But somehow he was happy that Gulf likes him....

He just wanted to clear things with him.

He went to the kitchen ...expecting that Gulf would make coffee for him...before leaving...but he was disappointed that the kitchen was clean...

Mew though "Gulf is extremely angry with me!!!"

Gulf was on his way to office...but he was fuming instead he went straight home. He called Saint to tell him that he would take the day off... as he was not feeling well.

Mrs Pakpoom was surprised to see Gulf at her door. She hugged him and welcomed with open arms. The girls were also happy to see Papa....

Gulf declared....that he would stay with them for a few days....

Girls were happy..... but Mama Pakpoom was suspicious about Gulf's behavior....

They all ate a tasty breakfast ....and on nagging the girls were excused from going to school. They wanted to spend the whole day with their Papa.

Gulf after breakfast called Ania to tell her that he wont be coming home for a few days..and she should take care of the household...and prepare breakfast and dinner for Mew only.

Throughout the day Gulf spent his time with the girls. His anger gone....but there was sadness and disappointment written all over his face.

Mama Pakpoom looking at Gulf understood that something might have happened between Mew and Gulf.

She was determined to find out. The girls also noticed Gulf's disappointed face.

Mrs Pakpoom asked the girls to leave Gulf for some time as she needs to talk to him....

Mrs Pakpoom: "Honey...whats wrong?"

Gulf: "nothing Mama."

How many time have I told you that if you are having trouble regarding anything..I can always help."

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