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Their Parents have a PROPOSAL!!!!!!

The Suppasits and Pakpooms went to meet Mew and Gulf that weekend. Both the males were surprised to see their parents at their door steps. They greeted them warmly and all went to the sitting room for a chat. The maids brought warm tea for all of them. The kids hugged their grandparents and they went to the sitting room.

Mew's parents wanted to talk to Mew privately were as Gulf's parents did the same.

They asked the girls to stay in their room until they are called.

Gulf took his parents to the beautiful garden. They looked sad. Seeing his parents' sad face made Gulf worry.

He asked. " everything Okay?? You guys look sad.

Charlie: "Son we are here to discuss something with you...... I know what we will talking about will make you angry....but we had a good thought before we became to you. Can you please keep calm and listen to what we have to say???

Promise wont get angry,.....and will think about it!!!!"

"okay Papa"....Gulf replied.

Margaret: "Son....we both are getting old.... We were always worried about you and Art.... When Art was alive...we knew that after us.....both of you would have each other as take care of each other. Now Art is gone. We are worried about you MY dear boy....

You have suffered a lot. We would have been at peace if Bright was alive. But fate had been cruel to you. We know you might think that its too early to what we are saying...but please think about it.... You have been a GOOD SON to us.

Honey...we want you to settle down again??

What?? Settle down?? .....Ma how can you say that...its been a month Bright passed away.... I love can you even say that.... Gulf said in very calm voice.

His parents knew that Gulf's calmness means a big storm is playing inside him.

Charlie: "I know you think we are cruel....but we are not saying that you forget Bright...we know you loved will always love him... but cant live your life's a long way to go.....we cant see you breaking in every point of time..... Let someone enter your life to HEAL you......"

"We are not forcing get married right now.... But think over.....PLEASE SON...."

Gulf sighed......and nodded... that he will think about it... that was the only way he thought to stop his parents from discussing the marriage topic....he also knew that whatever his parents were thinking it was out of their LOVE and WORRY for him.

In the sitting room....when Thania Suppasit told Mew about this .....Mew was angry....

"mom ...what is wrong with can you think that I will give My Art's place to anyone..... Don't do this to me... know how much I love him.... its been only a month Art passed away...and you want me to settle down??? Don't you think I would betray Art...his love... his giving his place to someone else???? That too who??? GULF???? Because of Art's body was cut down for his heart after he way way... I don't want you or anyone to talk about this... ever again...!!!!!!!!

"Does Gulf know??? Your porosal???"

James Suppasit: "no we haven't told Gulf about both of your marriage....Charlie is talking to Gulf about settling again....he wouldn't mention your name...."

Mew: "Better...don't even bother to join my name with Him....I may be living with him under the same roof.....that too because I have memories of Art in this house...and I can't live without them."

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