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• Tony •

The next morning, I walk into the kitchen, starting up some coffee.

"Friday, any news on May Parker?" I ask her nervously.

"She never made it to the hospital Boss." My blood runs cold. "The paramedics said she died as soon as she entered the ambulance. The bullet that entered the first woman also hit May, in her stomach. The second bullet moved in her chest, cutting a major artery to her heart. She bled out inside the truck. I'm sorry Boss. Should I inform Peter?" She states sympathetically.

"No! Don't do that. Don't wake him!" My heart sinks in my chest, realizing Peter has just lost May.

His only family left in the world, and now she's gone. The one person he loved and fought for. He's going to blame himself for this. How am I going to tell him?

"Friday, have funeral arrangements made for May. The best there is please." I let out a sigh, rubbing my face. I'm not even sure if I will be able to tell him at this point.

"Tell me what?" I see him walking towards be slowly. He's wrapped up in a Stark Industries sweatshirt, that's about two sizes too big.


"Did I say that out loud?" I ask, scratching my head.

He nods, coming into the kitchen and grabbing a mug from the cabinet. Funny, he's never been here, but seems as if he has a million times.

He fills it with coffee and turns to face me. "Mr. Stark why're you crying?" His voice filled with concern.

I wipe my eyes, not noticing that I had  tears in them, and send a small smile to him.

"Is it about May?" His voice so light, I barely heard him.

I frown, but nod. His eyes fill with tears. "Is she..." I nod again, looking away from him, feeling my eyes burn again.

The mug drops to the floor, shattering everywhere, as Peter drops to his knees.

He whimpers, and takes a deep breath in, struggling to do so. His cries are silent, but I see the tears falling down his cheeks to the floor.

"Oh Pete." I lifted him up, noticing a few mug shards stuck in his hands.

I carry him over to the couch, as he buries his face into my chest crying, and I hold onto him.

"I'm so sorry..."

• Peter •

I can't breathe, and it hurts. My heart, feels like it's broken again. I felt it. Another piece gone, from the few pieces that I had left of it.

She was all I had left. There is nobody I loved more than her. The only person I swore that I would protect, with my own life. And I couldn't do that for her.

I could've gotten there sooner, I could've done something else. Why couldn't I save her?

I pulled at Tony's shirt, and tried to take deep breaths. The arms around me hugged me closer. Sobs tore through my chest, as the realization sunk in. Aunt May is gone. I felt my heart rate quickening, and it was becoming harder to breathe.

Tony's voice was becoming clear, over the loud ringing in my ears. "Breathe Petey. Deep breaths.". He had been talking to me this whole time. I focused on his breaths, matching mine with his.

"There ya go, just like that."

"You're okay. I'm not leaving."

"I'm right here."

I try to focus on his words, hanging on as long as I can. Tony is here, and right now, his words are keeping me grounded.

I feel the tears subside slowly, and my eyelids feel heavy. My body feels heavy, and I move closer to the warmth of Tony. My vision fades, and my mind seems to slow down, and I listen to Tony's heartbeat as I drift off to sleep.

• Tony •

My heart hurts seeing Peter like this.
I've never been close enough with anyone to help with loss.

Other than Pepper, nobody has helped with my own losses. But we've been close for as long as I can remember, and I don't remember a time when we did things with out each other.

My circle is small, it always has been. And recently it's gotten smaller. But Peter has managed to wiggle his way into it, not like I'm complaining though.

I never thought that he would be someone to get in. Someone who is such a bright and bubbly person. But I realize that he is someone I want around, because he's a great person.

I feel guilty that this is the waywe see each other again after a month. I know should've reached out to him sooner. But I was angry and hurt. I wanted a break. So, I blocked everyone out.

I know he thought he had done something wrong, but I couldn't face anyone. Though that wasn't fair of me. I was so caught up in everything about me, I forgot about the other people I do have in my life.

I refuse to let that happen again. I won't abandon him again.

I look down, seeing his eyes closed, and hearing his soft snores. I grab a blanket from the top of the couch, a big soft one, and throw it over the top of us. Normally I would be uncomfortable in this situation, but he needs me.

I remember when I had found out my parents had died. It was the worst. I wanted someone else to help me through it, or to just be there with me. Pepper didn't know until a week after, and she helped me then. But until she was there, I was alone. It was terrible feeling.

I won't let him go through this by himself. I told May I would protect him, and I'm going to honor that.

I fixed the blanket around him, and I laid back letting myself fall asleep as well.

Tbh I write these at night, sorry if they don't make sense 100%. But yes I do know how civil war goes. My story is adjusted to fit around the timeline of it. None of the events are the same obviously. But anyways thank ya for reading! <3

Edited 09•30•21

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