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When Tony woke the next morning, Peter was gone. He didn't even feel the kid leave. It was 9:30 am, and even though he only got a few hours of sleep, he felt much more rested than most other nights. He moved the blanket, walking to his room, and getting some fresh clothes to go take a shower.

He stopped outside the bathroom door, hearing small whimpers. He opened the door seeing Peter sitting on the floor of his bathroom, cleaning his hands of blood and glass shards, ever so carefully.

• Tony •

"Hey Pete. You want some help?" He jumped, looking at me with teary eyes.

He nodded moving over slightly. I took the cloth, wringing it out, and soaking it again with clean water. I moved next to him, taking his hand in mine, wiping them carefully.

"Are you okay Pete?" I asked softly, knowing the answer. It still felt rude of me not to ask.

He looked down, tears falling into his lap. "I just can't believe that she's gone, ya know? It almost doesn't seem real." He shook his head looking at me. "I figured with my powers, she was the one person I would always be able to protect, and I wouldn't have to worry about her being hurt, because she had me! She was supposed to be the safest. But I couldn't protect her! I couldn't save her... I don't k-know! Mr. Stark I don't know." He sobbed.

I pulled him into my arms, holding onto him tightly. "You can't blame yourself Peter. I know you want to, but you have to think that you had done all you could. You tried your absolute best to save her. I know you did." I mumble into his hair.

He buries his face into my chest. "I just can't help but think i could've done more. That this is m-my fault."

"Look at me." I lift his chin, forcing him to look at me. "This isn't your fault."

"Pete, I know it's hard. When my parents died, I beat myself up for not having done something more for them day after day. It made me miserable. And it's okay for you to be sad, and angry. But if you blame yourself, it'll be all for the wrong reasons." I whisper, holding him tighter.

"It'll take time for you to heal, but we can remember all fo the good things, and the times you had with her, rather than thinking of what you could've done differently. Because that's a game you'll never win. " I lift his head to look at me again. I smile softly as he nods, and I run my thumb over the fresh tears.

I don't know what else to do or say, but I'm not sure much else will help. I'll just stay here as long as he needs.

Peter has lost his parents, his uncle, and now his aunt. That much loss for him, still when he's young. That's harsh.

He curls back into my side, and I look down at his messy curls. I smile sadly, tears brimming my eyes. I press a small kiss to his head, then sit back against the wall.

I'll keep him safe.

• Peter •

What Tony said is true. I can't blame myself, but it's hard not to. I know there was something I could've done better.

"Mr. Stark," I take a shaky breath. "What am I going to do?"

"Whatcha mean Pete?"

"Aunt May was the only family I had left. I mean, I'm barely eighteen, I'm supposed to be graduating, and moving on. Not losing the one person left who loved and cared about me..." I feel sobs bubbling in my throat, and I wipe at my tears. "I don't know what to do..."

Tony lightly brushed his fingers through my hair. "You cannot possibly believe that. Peter I'm here. You're never going to lose me." Tony scoffs. "And even though, she isn't here with you anymore, that doesn't mean she's gone forever." He pokes my heart, making me smile a bit. "You have the memories of her, and she'll always be with you in your heart."

He runs his thumb across my cheek. "I'm sorry if I made you feel that I abandoned you. I had a lot to deal with, but even then, I should've done better. I will do better. I promised May that I would keep you safe, and I will honor that." I smile, hoping he means it.

"I missed you." I mumbled, feeling my face heat up. I didn't really mean to say that out loud.

"I missed you too Pete." He smiles and hugs me again, tighter than ever. I really did miss him.

He won't leave again. I don't know if I could do this with out him. He's been a big part of my life recently, and I don't think I could take it if we didn't talk again.

May is gone, and I can't do anything to change that. I may be unsteady for a while, but if what Tony says is true, I won't be alone through this.

Tony is right, well when is he not. But May will always be with me, she's never really going to be gone.

I take a deep breath, feeling the slightest bit of relief. Even if just for a moment.

I hug him tightly, blinking away my tears. "Thank you Mr. Stark. For being here with me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

• Tony •

I smile lightly. "Me either Pete."

His doe eyes meet mine, and I smile, feeling my face heat up. I clear my throat, and turn away from his gaze.

I hug him once more, hearing my stomach grumble.

He giggles, obviously hearing it. I feel butterflies erupt through me, and I laugh too.

"Let's get you cleaned up, then I'll have Friday order us something to eat." I say, pulling us off the ground.

He lets go, moving for the first aid kit under the cabinet. I watch him, smiling.

I won't leave. I promise Peter.

Edited 09•30•21

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