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Tony was asleep by the time they reached the med bay. Peter peered through the door, seeing Tony lying on the bed.

He gasped, taking his hands off the door and moving away.

"Peter?" He could barely hear Peppers voice over the deafening ringing in his ears.

Images of Tony's unconscious being pierced his mind. The moment he reached Tony on the ground, pulling his helmet off, being met with the deathly pale version of his once warm skin.

The rest of the team filed out of the elevator confused on the scene unfolding before them.

"I don't know what's wrong." Pepper said, panicking slightly.

Clint walked slowly towards Peter, pulling him into a hug, and out of his shock. Peter inhaled deeply, not noticing he was holding his breath before.

Clint faced him to the door, pointing at Tony's heart monitor. "Look right there. Listen to the beeping. He's still here."

Peter nodded, carefully pulling himself together, and walking into the room. The sounds of a steady heartbeat flowed from the monitor, relief coursing through him.

• Peter •

I moved quietly towards the bed, pulling a chair with me. I sat, smiling at his sleeping form in front of me, thankful he's here. I brushed a piece of his hair out of his face, kissing his knuckles.

He would be so pissed if he saw his hair right now. I laugh, thinking about it, and he moves around, blocking the light with his arm.

His eyes flutter open, catching mine immediately. "Pete?"

I smile at him, tears blurring my vision. "Hi baby."

He sits up, wincing as he does. "Hey, easy Tones. Dr. Banner said you'll be sore for a while."

He nods. "Yep, just figured that out."

He looks up, giving me a tired smile. "Hi bug."

I gently push myself into his arms, connecting our lips. I smile, enjoying the warmth of them against mine.

"You scared the hell out of me." I whisper, resting my forehead against his.

"I'm so sorry." He chokes out, brushing my cheek with his thumb. I lean into his hand savoring his touch, and shaking my head.

"Don't be sorry. I just didn't know- and I thought- it doesn't matter because you're here, and you're okay." I sniffle, holding his face in my hands.

He kisses my palm. "I love you.

"I love you too Tony."

He kisses me again before asking, "Did Bruce say anything?"

"Yeah, he removed all of the pieces that were causing damage. Whatever is left is not enough to be any more trouble. You're good as new." I smiled. "Although you are on bed rest until further notice."

He rolled his eyes, grumbling. "Oh I can't wait."

"I'm sure Pep has enough work for you to do." I laugh, kissing his forehead.

I walked away from the bed, attempting to go open the door. However my foot caught the edge of the bed, and I fell flat on my ass.

"Shit! That hurt!" I whined, as Tony laughed at me.

"You jerk..."

"Language Peter! We've talked about this." Steve yelled, crashing though the door, the others following behind him.

"Steve?" Tony asked, shock on his face.

"Hey Tony."

Tony eyes widened as he glanced at everyone else.

"Hello to... everyone apparently. What the hell are you all doing here?"

"Well friday called us originally. Told us what happened to you. Then, Karen called us about Peter." Clint explained.

Tony shook his head. "What- what about Peter?" He looked worriedly at me. "What happened?"

Tony's heart rate rose, the beeping on the monitor faster than before. "Tones, calm down. I just had a panic attack, but they helped me."

Tony sighed, but nodded, holding my hand lightly in his.

I watched as everyone made their way around to Tony, making sure he was okay and talking with him for a moment. And Pepper was still crying. I sat with Clint, talking to him, glancing at Tony every once in a while. Just to make sure he was okay.

He would catch my eye, and send me a smile that would make my stomach explode with butterflies. I took that smile for all its worth, and knew he would be okay.

• Tony •

"Thank you for taking care of Peter. And for being here. That means a lot."

"Hey, we wanted to be here. You'd do the same for any of us." Steve smiled.

I nodded, knowing he was right.

Peter had wandered off to Bucky and Sam, asking Bucky if he could look at his arm. Of course, he thought it was technology he needed to know everything about.

"Does Peter normally have attacks like that? We had a real hard time getting him to calm down." Clint asks.

I frown, glancing at Peter's smiling face. "Not as much as he used to. This situation was a little different though, so I'm sure it was hard on him. I wish I could've been there..."

Steve have a tight smile. "He knows why, Tony. It's alright. We were just worried about him, that's all."

"Did he take care of Bear? Or did anyone of you?"

Clint nodded. "Yeah, he loves that little guy. Stuck by Peter the whole time."

The thought of that dog taking care of Peter, made me smile. He is so good.

There was a pause in the conversation, and I chewed my lip deciding on what to do.

The one thing I know I should do...

"Steve-" I sighed, not knowing how to start. "What we did to each other was stupid. I shouldn't have made you choose. It wasn't fair to any of us. We are always stronger together than divided, and we all know that. I'm sorry for the way I handled things, and hope you can forgive me, and we can put this behind us."

Steve smirks. "Did you just apologize?"

"Don't try me Rogers, or I'll take it back."

He laughs slightly. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry too. I was just as much at fault for this. So I'll forgive you as long as you forgive me."

I smile, and hold my hand out for him. He grabs mine in response, pulling himself towards me for a hug. I'm happy to be able to put this behind us.

I glance at Peter who is smiling brightly at us. He mouths a 'thank you', and I just send him a wink, making him blush, before he turns back to Bucky.

I glance once more around the room, thankful that we're whole again.

Heyyy. Sorry I just wanted to have a little scene with those two making up. And with everyone else lol. I thought it was cute! :) Not a ton of starker towards the end but oh whale! More to come! Anyways, thank ya for reading! <3

Edit: 12•11•01

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