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It's a week later, and Tony and Peter are doing well. They both fight through their good and bad days, but it's a relief for them to know the other is there. As for their relationship, it's moving along slowly. Peter doesn't want to rush any of it, and Tony will do anything to make Peter Parker happy.

Tony has waited this long to find this kind of love, and he would do anything and everything for Peter.

• Peter •

My school had given me two weeks to recover and get myself situated. I hated the idea of having to back, but I needed to. Tony dropped me off this morning, which helped, and I only have a few classes anyways. I could have graduated at semester, but I wanted to be with Ned and MJ the whole year, so I'm taking some college credit classes. We're graduating in just less than five months.

Winter break starts in two week, so I can catch up on these classes before the semester ends. I was grateful to the school, when they have me two weeks. They knew of my situation, and were very understanding.

What they don't know, and nobody else does either, is that I now live with Tony Stark. But I'm not going to go around telling everyone that, either.

That man is absolutely amazing. He has such a good and kind heart. I've met very few people that are as passionate about things he cares for, as him. He works hard, and he is so incredibly smart. Not to mention he is gorgeous.

I smile, waking through the hall, lost in my own thoughts. And of course, I ran into someone.

"Hey watch w-! Ohh Penis Parker, it's so good to see you again." Flash laughs, adjusting his backpack, and pushing me into a locker.

This is why I didn't miss school.

"You know I missed having someone to fuck with all day. Where ya been buddy?" He asks, in his best endearing tone.

I roll my eyes at the fake sentiment. "None of your business Flash."

I move around him, walking away. I feel him grab my backpack, and before I steady myself, he pulls me towards the ground. I groan, as I hit the floor, feeling pain in my head.

He looked over the top of me, kicking his foot into my ribs a few times. Pain seared into my side, and I worked to stand up, but his foot was planted on my chest. He straddled over me, and threw two punches. I dodged the first, but he stuck the second into my left eye. It didn't hurt as bad as my stomach, but it would be black for a bit.

I wished so badly I wasn't Spider-Man right now. Or else this jerk would be getting a taste of his own shit.

"And I heard about your Aunt." He smiled sadly. "What a tragedy, really. Now there's nobody left to love you. You're all alone Parker." He teased.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, and anger flooded through me. I kicked his groin, and stood quickly, holding onto his foot. I pulled it up, and he lost his balance, slamming him onto his back.

He whined, but I didn't give two shits.

"Look where you're at now. You don't get to talk about her. Don't fuck with me Flash." I whispered, kneeling over him.

He glared at me, so I flipped him off and darted out the doors. I was supposed to have another class in ten minutes, but I had no will to go. I pulled out my phone to call Happy, noticing I was crying, but I wasn't sure if it was from anger or sadness. Maybe both...

Why did Flash always have to be the worst? I was having a good day today too, but he just had to be himself. Talking about May like he knows anything about me, or my family. Makes me so damn angry.

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