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Tony and Peter didn't get to sleep much.

Peter had woken up many times during the night from different nightmares.

Each was worse than the last, and Tony had trouble pulling Peter out of the horrible dreams. He lay their trying to control Peter's thrashing limbs and whisper soothing words.

Once, Tony had went to get the younger some water, and Peter was in the bathroom, throwing up whatever contents was left in his stomach, sobbing as he laid on the tile. He cried until he was exhausted again, and Tony carried him back to bed.

It pained Tony, as he could do nothing other than watch Peter suffer through the nightmares.

"I knew that damn show wasn't a good idea..." He had said into the air.

Tony had hoped, when they started sleeping together, it would help to subside his nightmares. Although, Peter's mind provided no relief, and Tony's presence wasn't enough this time.

Peter had fallen asleep once more around six a.m. and an hour later, Tony was out of bed, headed to the kitchen to make coffee.

After watching the morning news, Tony had decided to make breakfast. He chose on pancakes and bacon, as that was all he and Friday had practiced. He was doing a decent job, although Friday had to remind him of a few things.

Once he had finished, he set everything out onto the island, then made Peter some coffee, heading towards their room to wake Peter.

He was surprised to find Peter standing a little ways in front of him, a gloomy look on his face, and messy bed head.

• Tony •

He looked exhausted. He toyed with his fingers, obviously upset.

He glanced up at me, and I smiled softly. "Hi baby."

I saw his eyes fill with tears, and he moved towards me, into my arms. His body shook, as he cried, and I just held him.

"I'm so-rry."

I shushed him. Sure, I'm exhausted, and he is too. But nightmares aren't something he can control. I've had my fair share of those, to know better.

"You don't need to apologize. You're just fine." I soothed, holding him closer.

I kissed his messy curls, and ushered him towards the island. I pulled my sleeves down, wiping away his remaining tears.

"Don't worry, okay? We'll take a nap here in a little bit."

He nodded in agreement. I kissed him gently, and smiled.

"Here's your coffee, and I made pancakes and bacon. When we're done, we'll go work in the lab, okay?"

He nodded, whispering a small 'thank you'

"After we take a nap later, It'll be time for your surprise."

He smiled softly, shaking his head. "Can't you tell me now?"

I locked my lips, throwing away the imaginary key before stealing a piece of bacon off his plate. He pouts, poking out his lip. "Please?"

And there is absolutely no way, I can say no to that face.

"Fine, but I have to ask you a question first." I cleared my throat. "Peter Parker, would like to go on a date tonight?"

He gasps, his cheeks dusted pink. "Wait... like a real one?"

I smile and nod. "Yeah. To that little diner down the street you said you wanted to try."

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