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Once they arrived home, Tony rushed straight to the lab, in hope to finalize Peter's suit. With a quick kiss on his forehead, Peter was left to his own wits for the next few hours. Even Bear had followed Tony down.

Peter didn't have the energy to work on it right then, and decided to go watch a movie instead.

Meanwhile, Tony was trying his hardest to concentrate, but kept being distracted by the loud puppy snores, coming from the couch where Bear laid asleep. He sighed, picking up the puppy, and walking him upstairs.

• Tony •

Somehow Bear was still asleep, but I slid him next to where I found Peter. He must've fallen asleep watching a Star Wars movie.

Bear had fit snug to Peter, but he didn't move. He looked stiff, with a frown etched on his face. Another nightmare.

I sat on the edge of the bed, pulling him into my chest. A small whimper escaped from him, and I held him tighter, kissing his head.

"I'm here baby." I whispered, not sure if he could hear me.

After a few minutes, he wiggled around, a small snore escaping his lips. I sighed in relief, thankful he didn't have to go through another nightmare.

I didn't want to let go quite yet, even though I had work to do. He looked peaceful when he was asleep. Sometimes, he looks so stressed or tired when he's awake. I hate that, but he's dealt with more in eighteen years than most have in their lifetime.

When he's happy or excited though, man that's a different story. He has one dimple on his cheek that shows up when he smiles. It makes me want to do anything and everything to keep it that way.

I kissed his head once more, before rolling him back towards Bear. They cuddle close to each other, and I can't stop the smile from creeping onto my face.

Those two will be the death of me.

"Baby bug, you stay here and watch over Petey for me, okay." I whispered. He stretched his paws over Peter's arm, before finally laying down. "Good boy."

I glanced back to look at them once more, then headed back downstairs to finish my work.

• later •

It was right around eight pm once I finished with Peter's suit. I decided on making the 'Training Wheels' protocol he hates so much, accesible to him, so he can turn it off if he'd like. I'm not going to tell him that though. And I have to have him run a few tests in the suit, but then it'll be ready.

I leave my work where it is, once my stomach grumbles. I head back upstairs, telling Friday to order in Thai food, from Peter's favorite restaurant. Then I hit the shower, being as quiet as possible as to not wake the two sleeping beauties up.

I get out, throwing on an old crew neck and some boxers.

"Bear, let's go outside!" He hops up, jumping all over Peter, who groans and throws the blanket over himself.

We race to the back door, and I let him into the yard for a bit to play outside. He takes off after a squirrel, then crashes into the fence. I laugh, walking back to Peter.

"C'mon baby, foods gonna be here soon." I grab a sweatshirt from my closet. I pull the blanket off him, and he shivers.

I pull him into a sitting position. "Arms up."

He throws his arms into the air and I slip the hoodie over him. It hangs past his boxers as he stands up, and laughing at himself when he notices.

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