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Peter's heart was heavy, as he frowned at himself in the mirror after his shower. He flowed through the motions, his mind blank. He understood that he would be saying his last goodbye to May today. But it didn't seem real.

Tony hadn't been very close with May Parker, and hadn't even met her more than a handful of times, but her loss had impacted him as well. He knew where Peter had gotten his spirit from.

Tony hoped the call he made would make it a little easier on him today.

• Peter •

I've hated funerals for as long as I could remember. It didn't matter if they were related to me or not. Of course I've sat through one too many. I at least have Ned, MJ, and Tony. I can't imagine going through this without them.

I had hoped the rest of our team would be here, but we're all on thin ice as it is. I certainly didn't help anything by fighting with them. I hated it. I regret it, and I know Tony does too. Everyone was hurt in the aftermath, no matter what team we chose.

So, I didn't ask anyone else to come. I didn't want to put pressure on the situation.

I was finishing putting on the new suit Tony had bought me. There was a soft knock on my door, Tony's head popped through. "Hey Petey? You ready?"

Despite today, his presence makes it all a bit better.

I sighed, shaking my head, and sitting against the edge of my bed, pulling on the tie around my neck. "I can't get this damn tie."

He smiles softly. "Here. I'll help ya." He walked in front of me, focused on my tie.

I used the opportunity to look over his features for a moment. No, my feelings didn't go away. I take a subtle deep breath too, catching vanilla and cinnamon, and a bit of something woodsy. Either way, it was intoxicating. And it matched him so well.

"Done." He smiled again, glancing up. I turned my gaze away, hiding the heat I could feel rising in my face.

"Come on."

I pushed off the bed, looking towards the mirror. The tie was fixed properly, and I was good to leave. But I wasn't really ready. Some part of me still says she's going to call me once her shift is over tonight, and ask if I want to go get Thai food.

Or in the morning, I'll wake up, back in our little apartment, and I'm late for school as always. She would be making me a cup of coffee as I scramble towards the door, yelling I love you on the way out.

I felt my throat burn as I tried to hold back my cries. I sniffled, trying to stop crying.

Tony shuffled back towards me, and I was engulfed into his arms. He didn't say anything, but only held me tighter, as I let go of the tears.

"She deserved so m-much better." I whimpered.

"She did Pete. She did." Tony whispered, and I felt him thread his fingers up into my hair.

I hugged him for another moment, inhaling his calming scent, before reaching up to wipe my eyes. Then I stood, grabbing Tony with me.

"I'm ready."

He nodded slightly, then allowed me to leave the room first. We walked out the door, into the garage, getting into one of Tony's many cars, a less conspicuous one.

We drove to the funeral home, silently. Once we arrived, I slowly get out of the car. I stared at the door for a moment, before taking a long breath. Tony wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and we walked inside together.

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