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• a few months later •

Peter's birthday is today, and Tony is very excited. For Peter, it's just another day.

When May was here, she and Peter would have a little party with the two of them. May would buy Peter a chocolate cupcake, with chocolate frosting, as it was his favorite. Sometimes she would get him a small gift, if expenses allowed it. If not, there was always a cupcake.

Peter loved their birthday traditions. May did as much as she could to make it a good day. He would always be grateful for that, and wouldn't have traded a single moment for an extravagant party or gift.

Tony however, was not one for subtlety, and while he tried to be minimal, he can only limit himself so much. He understands Peter doesn't want a big celebration, or extravagant gifts, but Tony had a suprise up his sleeve for today, and a small box, that he believed required one.

He had woken earlier than Peter, to make him breakfast. He tried to steady himself, as he felt another wave of anxiety roll through him. It was a good type, however, proposing to someone was very nerve racking.

Tony had a few gifts for Peter, because he couldn't not get something for him. He also was putting together a dinner for tonight, with the rest of the team. The one kind of celebration he knew Peter would love.

Dum-E and U were starting the set up for dinner, with Friday in charge of them. Tony would definitely have to check in with them often. Dum-E has given him reason to not be trusted with simple tasks...

Pepper, Rhodey, and some of the team would make the final prep for the dinner. Tony was extremely thankful to them for pitching in, as it was one thing he wouldn't have to stress over today.

After dinner, he planned to propose to Peter.

He had every right to be nervous. It's not like he just proposed all the time. This was it. And he willed himself not to mess it up.

Some of the team would show soon, to wish Peter a happy birthday, and spend some time with him. Tony was surprised of how insistent they were, but knew it would make Peter happy.

Tony was in a remarkably good mood, despite the internal battle he was having with anxiety. He danced around the kitchen, singing along to AC/DC as he finished Peter's breakfast. Bear yipped, jumping around. Tony grabbed his paws, and they danced together around the island.

Tony heard a few laughs, and glanced to the living room, seeing the team giggling at the pair.

"Oh shit." Tony laughed, setting Bear back on the ground.

"Tones, you've gotta work on your moves. Bear's too good for you." Rhodey snickered.

He rolled his eyes. "Can it, tin head."

Clint picked up Bear and ran to the living room, Natasha and Wanda following behind.

"Barton, Peter will want his dog when he's up. Enjoy it while you can!" Tony called, as he placed the last of the food onto a tray.

"Where is Pete anyway?" Pepper asked.

"I tried my absolute best to let him sleep in this morning. I can't tell you the last time he has. I figured it'd be nice." Tony concluded.

The rest made their way to the living room, allowing Tony to go wake Peter.

"We'll be out in a bit." Tony said, a bright smile on his face as he made his way to their bedroom.

• Peter •

It was Saturday, and I didn't feel like getting out of bed just yet. Tony was
most likely in the lab, as usual, but I'd find him in a bit. I flipped on the tv, and snuggled back into the warmth of the blankets.

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