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A week and a half later, Tony and Peter sit, talking with Friday to make the final funeral arrangements. It would be small, exactly what May would've wanted. A few of her friends, and Peter's too. Peter asked to pay, saying something about having "emergency savings," but Tony refused. Peter knew he wouldn't win. But it meant a lot that Tony cared enough about the both of them to do this.

• Peter •

My eyes filled with tears, and I hugged him tightly. "Thank you Mr. Stark. For everything. It's better than I could have ever hoped for."

Tony said I'd be living here with him from now on. I told him I couldn't possibly do that, I didn't want it to seem like I was taking advantage of him. But, as always, he refused, and said he wanted me to stay.

"Peter, you don't have to keep saying thank you. I know you're thankful. I care about you and May. She deserves this at least." He rubbed small circles on my back, in a calming manner.

I look up into his eyes, taking in his features. I felt butterflies erupt through my body. I've liked Tony for a while now, even before I really knew him. I mean who doesn't, but when I met him, he was even better than what I had thought.

I just have to keep the right perspective about this though, because he's fifteen years older. And, he's Tony Stark. The man can have anyone he wants.

Besides, he asked me for help on a mission. I'm the Underoos, a sidekick. Just the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

"Uh... Pete?"

His voice startled me, as I shake away from my trance. My face is for sure red, as I realize I've been staring far too long.

"Y-yeah, sorry Mr. Stark." I turn away and out of his grip.

"When are you finally going to call me Tony?" He smiles at me and laughs softly. Those two things I have to stop and take in. They're so rare from him, it's almost breathtaking when it happens.

I do need to stop staring so much, although sometimes I can't help it. We're just friends. Or coworkers? He's my mentor? Something along the line of that. And besides I think he's got some thing with Pepper... I'm not sure.

I smile. "I don't know, Mr. Stark. I'll work on it though."

The funeral is tomorrow. I'm happy that she gets to have a nice funeral. It'll be better than anything I could've given her.

This week has been okay. Tony makes sure that I'm alright. Which is more than I could've ever asked for. We've been working in the lab a lot, fixing old suits, working on new ones. For both of us. It keeps me distracted. Just being around someone that enjoys the same things as me, makes it even better.

As for sleeping... it's harder to fall asleep. I have some anxiety about reliving the nightmare that I watched a little more than a week ago. It makes it almost impossible for my mind to shut down long enough so I can sleep.

Ive been trying to stay awake for as long as possible, so when I'm exhausted, I sleep for longer periods.

That idea hasn't worked yet. I wake up from a nightmare anyways, either unable to fall asleep after, or I cry myself back to sleep.

I had considered asking Tony if he struggled with this too. I know he's been through a lot, and maybe he would know what I could do to help myself. But he has so much to do, a company to run, suits to fix, among many other things. I'd really rather not bother him.

"Okay Pete, I think that's the last thing we needed. The flowers will be there in the morning." He smiled softly at me, dragging me away from my thoughts.

"Okay." I yawned.

"Go get some sleep. You look worse than I do." He yawned after me.

I nodded, smiling slightly. "I'll get to bed now. Goodnight Mr. Stark. I'll see you in the morning." I took off out of the kitchen.

"Night Pete!" He yelled after me.

I paused, poking my head back around the corner. "And can I please make breakfast in the morning. No offense, but I think Friday babies you too much when it comes to cooking."

"That's rude! I tried this morning!" He defends.

"Mr. Stark, eggs are yellow, not black." I laughed at him.

He scoffs, rolling his eyes at me. "And I would love to see you do better! Just go to bed." He smiles waving off.

I smile back, walking to my room. I fell asleep that night with no problems.

• Tony •

I watch Peter dissapear down the hall, and I shake my head smiling after him.

I would have to admit, I do like him. More than I should, I know. He's unlike anyone I've ever met though. No matter what, he is always brings the life into the room. It's been really nice having him here. I can only talk to DUM-E for so long.

Peter is brave, smart, selfless and so kind. He is a special kind of person, that is hard to find nowadays. He's incredibly smart too, and enjoys the same things as me. And other than Bruce, I've never met another person who can keep up with my mind. It's amazing.

I know that it's terrible for me to feel this way, and I know that people would lose their minds over it. But who ever said they had to know. I'll just keep this one to myself. And if the time presents itself, maybe I'll take that step.

Other than that, I'm just going to enjoy the time we have now, without feelings and anything difficult. We can just be Tony and Peter, who work well together, and kick ass like nobody else.

Don't let Rhodey know about that one Tony...

I'm honestly amazed too, at how well he's handling his situation right now. Losing his aunt, and moving in with me all in the same week. That's a lot to take in at once. I'm sure tomorrow will be difficult, but hopefully this will be a good way to say a final goodbye.

Itll be easier with his two bestfriends there with him. Along with Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, and myself. Some of May's friends and co workers.

Peter wanted the rest of the Avengers there, but I couldn't make him any promises. They love him, god who wouldn't? But me? Not sure they're totally in love with me right now.

I'm going to try anyways. I've already contacted a few of them. They were happy to come. For the rest, they'll come to support Pete. I'm almost sure of it.

I pulled out the small flip phone. And it rings a few times before he picks up.


"Hey Steve..."

So again I read this over like four times, and I'm still not 100% it all makes sense, I just couldn't focus on every single part carefully. Idk 😂 but lmk if it doesn't make any sense and I'll fix it. Thank ya for reading! <3

Edited 09•30•21

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