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It was Friday, and Peter was dragging himself through classes, ready for the three day weekend. There was some teacher development day on Monday. One more week until Winter Break too. He was excited to have the three days with Tony. Well, most of the time. Tony had to get ready for some presentations coming up, so he was busy.

Despite his excitement, his anxiety flared as he walked through the halls searching for any sign of Flash. And he didn't see him anywhere. The kid had never missed a day to mess with Peter. Which had him very concerned for what Tony had done.

• Peter •

It was my last hour, and Flash was nowhere to be seen. Whatever Tony did, I can't say I'm mad about it. He didn't drive me to school this morning, he was actually gone before I left, so I didn't have the chance to ask him.

Once the bell rang, I booked it for the doors, after telling Ned and MJ bye.

Happy was in the car to pick me up. I can't complain, really. It's nice that I don't have to walk home anymore, although I do feel bad about interrupting Happy's day. He's a busy guy too, being Tony's head of security and all.

Once we arrive home, Happy goes into the security offices, upset because he still had work to do. So, I invited him over for dinner tonight once he was done for the day. He told me to check with Tony, because he wasn't sure he would agree.

"Tony doesn't get a say. You're coming and that's final." He looks surprised at my response, but then smiles and agrees.

I go upstairs, getting changed into a pair of boxers and one of Tony's shirts, which smells like him. I had no idea I could be addicted to a smell, but I am.

Tony said he would home early today, but early also means maybe. So who knows when he would actually be home.

I head to the lab, and I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but I did see my new suit. Tony and I have been working on it when we had the time, but it's not quite finished. And I still need to make more web fluid.

I still have to figure a way to disable that damn 'training wheels' protocal.

I sigh, picking up the suit. I haven't thought much about being Spider-Man recently, and the break has been nice. I'd be lying if I said I was ready to jump back into action. After what happened with May...

I know that I've done good in the past. But I've been afraid to go out and help others, when I couldn't help the one person I promised to protect. It would be too hard if that happened again.

Maybe when the suit is finished, I could try. I just haven't had the heart to.

Speaking of May, I should get some flowers, and go visit her. Maybe this weekend. It's been a few weeks, so I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind going with me.

"Welcome home Boss." I hear Friday's voice upstairs.

I smile, hearing Tony walking around. "Peter?"

I put the suit down, and make my way back up the stairs.

I was met with a bright smile, and a kiss.

"There you are. I missed you today."

I snuggled into his warmth. "I missed you too." He pulled away, looking me up and down.

"You're so pretty..." He mumbled, kissing my forehead.

I felt heat rush to my face, and slapped his chest lightly. "Says you..." I mumbled.

I glanced back up to his face dusted pink, and he smiled. "How was work?"

He sighed, walking towards the couch, tugging me along. "Same old shit, just another day. Pep had me in and out of meetings. Expenses, and presentation listings."

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