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It was Tuesday, and it was back to their regular routine. Tony was supposed to be in and out of meetings all day, and Peter's first class started at ten.

The only reason they were moving around was thanks to Friday. They had stayed up insanely late last night, working on suits and trying to make Bear his own.

Once Peter had got to school, he caught a glimpse of Flash, then saw him being escorted by a teacher towards a different classroom. Peter smiled, but it looks could kill, he would be dead from Flash's stare.

Peter had chalked up enough courage within himself to go on patrol tonight. Honestly, he had missed the rush of swinging through the air, and kicking ass out there. He had been anxious all day, but tried his best to call his nerves. Tony would worry more, if he knew Peter was nervous.

Meanwhile, Tony wasn't sure he could worry any more than he already had been today. He was a ball of nerves, and was unable to pay attention to his meetings. Which he really needed to, because they were on the lead for their new expansion project.

And in between his meetings, he either checked over the diagnostics of Peter's suit, or chased their puppy through the house. Peter's suit was perfect, like Tony knew it would be. It's his technology after all. Despite that, his brain was running ninety to nothing the whole day.

Pepper had noticed Tony's attention span was far less than usual, and figured he just had a lot on his mind. But after the third meeting of him not giving any input, she had had enough.

• Tony •

"Tony what the hell is going on with you today?" Pepper huffed.

I took a deep breath, trying to ease the anxiety flooding through me. Being in trouble with Pepper is always the worst. But I'm at a loss today, I can't control my nerves. Except try to hide it...

"Nothing Pep. I'm fine."

"Bullshit." She scoffed. "You look like you're about to fall apart at the seams. And I know your struggling with your anxiety today, because you haven't stopped tapping your leg for a second."

She knows me too well. I sighed, and shook my head, turning away from her gaze.

I heard her shuffling, then she sat in the chair beside mine, putting her hand on mine.

"Tones, you've gotta tell me what's going on. This expansion opportunity we have is a big deal for the company. And you have to be focused for this last one."

I nodded. "Pep, I know this."

"Then what has you so worked up? And what can I do to help?"

I shook my head. "You can't do anything about this one Pep. It's... it's about Peter."

Her face paled a bit. "Oh my god, is he okay?"

I nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah Pep he's fine." I reassured. "It's just he hasn't been Spider-Man since May died. And he's nervous, and I'm nervous. I mean I've spent hours on that suit of his. And it's perfect! But I love him so much, and I would hate if-"

I froze, realizing what I said. I glanced at Pepper, who wore a shocked expression. "You love him? Tony... you love him how?"

I smiled nervously at her. "I'm in love with him..."

She pinched her nose, huffing. "Anthony Edward Stark, this better not be one of your little games! This is Peter we're taking about, and if you're doing anything-"

"Woah! Pepper!" I cut her off. I felt slightly offended, but I knew that I hadn't given myself a great reputation from the past. "It is not some game. I'm telling you the truth."

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