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Peter had been struggling with nightmares for the last few months. Being Spider-Man and all, he's seen some pretty crude things.

He's relived the scenario of what happened with May night after night, but this one was about Tony.

He didn't know why. Possibly because he has seen Tony's many near death expiriences. Maybe because Tony was one of the few people he had left in his life.

Despite the reason for it, the nightmare left Peter shaken once he woke up.

Peter had tossed and turned most of the night, unable to fall asleep until around two in the morning. Just once he wished for a peaceful sleep. Or even a calmer nightmare. Maybe about killer clowns, or scary ghosts.

• Peter •

A bright beam flashed, clipping Tony's suit while he was in the air. His thrusters puttered, before two of them shut down. He began falling, the last two unable to keep him steady.

"Mr. Stark!" I shouted to him, hoping he could still hear me.

I swung towards him, as fast as I could. He fell head first towards the ground, and was about to crash.


In a final attempt to slow him down, I shot a web towards him, but to no avail.

He hit the ground, his suit shattering into pieces around him.

I dropped next to him, seeing no movement.

"Karen, scan him."

His arc reactor turned off. "There is no heartbeat Peter."

I was too late.

"No. No Tony. I- I'm sorry..." I cried to his lifeless body.

I jumped awake, panic filling my senses immediately.

I sucked in a deep breath. "It's just a bad dream Pete."

I jumped out of bed, and stumbled into the bathroom. I washed my face with freezing cold water, dragging me away from the nightmare. I dried off and looked at the clock.

Three a.m.

"Wow a whole hour. New record." I rolled my eyes and turning away from the bathroom.

I took a few more deep breaths, attempting to calm my nerves, and walked carefully towards the kitchen, to get some water. I noticed Tony's bedroom door was open slightly.

I glanced inside, but I didn't see Tony. I felt the fear flood my body all over again, and I chewed my lip thinking where he could be.

"Just a dream Peter..." I mumbled.

I waited for what felt like minutes, but he didn't appear anywhere. I glanced inside his room again. Nothing.

I opened the door. "Mr. Stark?"

I walked further in, noticing the blankets were messy, and his phone was on the floor.

I took a deep breath, trying to use my senses, and figure out where he could be.

He would've told me if he left. He couldn't have been kidnapped. Maybe he was in the lab? No, I would be able to hear his music...

I felt fear and, as my eyes burned with tears. "Tony?" I whispered harshly.

I jumped as the door in the far corner of the room opened suddenly.

Tony emerged from the dark area yawning, the soft glow of the arc reactor, subtly lighting the space around him.

I felt some relief, and I let out a breath. He's right here.

"Pete?" He grumbled, walking towards me.

"H-hey, Mr. Stark. Uh I'm sorry. I was just heading back t-to my room." I fumbled, moving back towards his door.

"Stop." He spoke abruptly. "Why are you in my room? At... three in the morning?" He questioned.

"I couldn't fall asleep. Noticed the door was open..." I explained quickly, taking another deep breath.

He nodded, clicking his tongue. "So, you had a nightmare. But that doesn't explain why you're in here."

I stood frozen on the spot, looking towards the floor. He's too smart. I shrugged, not daring to say a word.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly, sitting on the edge of his bed.

Tears welled up in my eyes again. "I-I thought you were gone..."

He said nothing, but opened his arms. I hesitated for a moment, deciding if I really needed to bother him with more of my problems. But I felt the dread of tonight, lay itself on me again, and decided I would take his hug, wanting some comfort at the moment.

I moved to him, and he engulfed me in his arms. I squeezed my eyes shut, as silent tears made their way down my face.

"What happened?" He whispered.

"S-stupid nightmares. Then I saw you weren't here. Panicked a little." I mumbled. "I'm sorry."

He ran his fingers gently through my hair. "It was about me then?"

I nodded into his chest, and he only hugged me closer. "I'm right here, Pete."

I wasn't sure how long it had been, but I was too exhausted to move, and he didn't protest about me being here. I was thankful he didn't ask any other questions, as I didn't want to relive my nightmare.

He had repositioned us at some point, and a blanket was placed on top of me. "Sleep Peter. I'm here." I heard him whisper.

My eyes grew heavy, so I let sleep take me.

Not before feeling a pair of lips, lightly graze my forehead.

• Tony •

I glanced down, once I heard his breathing even out.

Maybe letting him stay isn't appropriate. And certainly doesn't help my feelings. But I know he needs me right now.

I know the terror and panic that derives from nightmares. I remember them happening night after night. I remember how badly I wished for someone to comfort me. Peter should have that. He at least deserves that much.

I sigh, feeling conflicted. He deserves all of the good things in life. Such an amazing person he is, despite all the hardships life has thrown his way.

I want to give him that at least. I know I can't... I know that.

But I can't keep telling my self I'm not in love with Peter Parker.

I freeze, realizing what just happened. I'm in love with him?

I look at his sleeping form, feeling happiness rush through me. I smile, gently stroking his hair.

Yes, I am.

For now though, I'll have to keep these feelings to myself. Nobody other than my loud brain needs to know. Most likely, I'm in too deep, and this is one sided.

I won't pile my own feelings on him, not now, not ever. I'm more than willing to be here for him, as long as he's happy and comfortable. Right now, Peter needs support, and I will do everything in my power to give him that.

I nod to myself, content on my final thoughts. Peter moves closer to me, and I smile. I pull the blanket tighter around us, and focus on his breathing as it lulls me into sleep.

Yessss. I know the arc reactor isn't in his chest anymore lol. I just need it to be for now! Haha. You'll find out eventually! Thank ya for reading! <3

Edited : 10•02•21

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