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• Peter •

The light from the windows is blinding once I open my eyes. I groan, pulling my blanket back over my head. Except I smack my hand into something. Or someone?

I freeze as I feel movement, and hear grumbling. I slowly uncover my head, glancing up and seeing Tony. I feel body face heat up, as I try to hide my laughing.

"Why're you hitting me?" He mumbled, taking the blanket from me. "Too early..."

He rolls away from, huffing. I laugh slightly, and move out of his bed. I guess I was too tired after what happened last night. It was nice of him to let me stay.

"Where... going?"

I laugh again. That was cute. "Thank you for last night. I- uh really appreciate it. And sorry for staying. I didn't mean t-to invade your space."

He throws the blanket off his head, smiling slightly at me. "No need for a thank you. I'm hoping you got some sleep at least."

I nod, playing with fingers, as I feel my face flush again.

"Good." He gets up, stretching. "Let's go get breakfast."

He rushes towards the door, and I move towards the door. "I'm making it!"

He laughs, and I feel the butterflies come back. "No you're not! You're horrible at cooking."

He gasps dramatically, holding a hand to his heart. "Peter. How rude."

I laugh pushing him through the door. "I'm not eating your cooking again, until you practice with Friday more. The hash browns were still frozen last time."

He groans as I push him out the door.

"I'll be right back." I say walking towards my room.

I throw on one of Tony's old T-shirts he gave me, and walked to the kitchen. Rhodey and Pepper were supposed to be joining us for breakfast before Tony had meetings to attend all day.

I decided on making Tony an omelette, per his request, ans biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, and hash browns for the rest of us. Tony always says that he 'doesn't want to put all of that shit into his body' but I know he'll either steal hash browns off of my plate like he normally does, or eat biscuits and gravy after.

I set all the food out onto the island. Normally, we eat in the living room on Saturday mornings, and watch a movie together. It's nice, and gives me the feeling of what having a bigger family would be like.

The only possible thing that could make it better would be if the rest of the team were here. They have their own things to tend to though, but I still miss them.

Pepper and Rhodey walk in a little later, and Tony already has The Greatest Showman already picked out. I watch from the kitchen as he walks in, and catches my eyes. I feel my face heat up, and he just smirks at me.

"Nice shirt."

I roll my eyes, making myself a plate, and leaving the room, smiling once he's out of view.

About halfway through the movie, Pepper stood, answering a call, and telling Tony he had around forty five minutes to be ready, before he would have to leave for his first meeting. He groaned, but nodded, stealing a piece of bacon from me.

I sighed, and started collecting plates to take back and wash. I saw Tony frown at me, but I didn't stop to ask why.

The truth was, that nightmare had more of an impact than I thought it would. I didn't want him to leave yet. I felt better knowing he was here and safe. Of course I wouldn't want to pull him from work, but every part of me wants him to stay.

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