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Peter willed himself to fall asleep all through the night, but with no relief. He couldn't stop his mind from thinking of his new suit in the lab. Tony had made mention he was almost finished with it.

Peter missed being Spider-Man, and while the break had been nice, he had considered getting back to it. Although he was afraid of the possibilities.

Before May's accident, he hadn't had a reason to ever slow down. He saved people countless times, never hesitating to step in for someone. He didn't know if he could be the same again.

He imagined Tony would have a good answer for him. The genius always had an answer for everything.

Meanwhile, Tony was awake too, thinking along the lines of the same situation. He knew that Peter would be ready eventually to go back out as Spider-Man.

He would be lying if said he loved the idea of Peter throwing himself right back into danger. The man was selfless, and would everything in his power to protect someone. And yeah, it comes with the superhero roles they chose to do. Tony knew he'd be more worried, even more than before. Especially since he knew Peter was struggling since May's accident.

Tony had spent countless hour in the lab, hunched over computers to finish Peter's suit. It needed tested, but it was ready. Tony would admit, that it was by far the best thing he's ever created. Peter meant more than Tony was able to explain most times, so he put it into his work.

He sighed, not realizing he woke Bear. The fuzzy pup snuggled closer to Tony. Tony decided that he would let him know his thoughts once Peter asked. He certainly wasn't going to rush the younger in his decision.

Although once Bear wiggled around, Peter turned over, meeting Tony's eyes.

They smiled, and Tony figured they'd be having this conversation sooner than planned.

• Peter •

"Bug, why're you still awake?" Tony asked, rubbing my cheek.

"My brain won't let me sleep..." I groaned.

"I have a feeling we're up, thinking about the same thing..." he mumbled.

I stared at him confused. "How could you possibly know that?"

He smiled softly. "Might I remind you that I am a genius."

"Oh alright genius, what am I thinking about?" I asked, amused.

"You're thinking about Spider-Man?"

Dammit. He's good. "I guess you are a genius after all." I pouted.

He chuckles, before sitting up slightly. Bear follows him up, wanting to be held. Tony scoops him up and kisses his head. And I can't help but smile at them. They're adorable together.

"Well... if we're talking about this now." I cleared my throat. "I want to be out there, ya know? I love being Spider-Man. I want to help people. I'm afraid though. I don't want anything like what happened with May, to happen again. Not because of me."

Tony smiled sadly at me, nodding. "I know you don't. I'm gonna tell you this, not to upset you, but to give you a different perspective." I nodded, chewing on my lip.

"You can't save everyone. That's just the way it is. I know you want to, but sometimes you have to do what you can for the best outcome of the greater good." I frowned at his words. "It's hard bug, I know it. But we have to come to terms with that."

I nodded, letting his answer sit in my mind. "You'll kill youreself trying. Or you'll make yourself sick thinking of everything you could've done better."

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