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Tony was bored, laying in bed for the last week, although he was healing nicely. Peter and Pepper tried to keep him busy or entertained as much as possible. Most of the time however, that responsibility lied mostly on Bear. And he was happy to lay around with Tony all day.

Tony felt it was nice to have a bit of a break from eveything. Of course there was still paperwork, meetings, the usual. Peter wasn't with him most days because of school. And his nightmares had come back, stronger than ever. Which Tony had expected, after his accident. But it crushed him to watch Peter suffer. Though some way, they made it through.

The team stayed an extra day. Mainly to keep Peter from worrying so much over Tony, and allow him to rest some. Then they were back off to their own details. Peter kept busy by training Bear, when Tony was busy with work.

This, unfortunately, left Tony a lot of time to think. He was antsy, wanted to get up and fix suits or a car, just do something. He had no clue how the company was, or how well Pepper had been doing keeping SI and herself together.

Tony wondered what would happen in less than a month, when Peter would graduate. Would he want to move away to a big college? Would he want to go to one at all. Of course he should, he's brilliant. Peter would easily be top of the class, and later have any job he wanted.

Tony had no doubt that if Peter left, they would stay together. But Tony wouldn't be able to leave, he has the company, and the Avengers. There's too many responsibilities here. It would be miserable, but they would make it work.

They always made it work.

A commercial for a jewelry store flashed across the screen, and a smile pulled at Tony's lips.

It would be a while from now, closer to Peters birthday, but Tony had no doubt that he would marry Peter. He was sure he felt the same way.

Yeah, he's younger, and it may be quite a big step. But Tony's wasted years of his life, on person after person. He was incredibly grateful to have found the one, he's willing to leave everything behind for. The one he loves more than anything. He doesn't want to waste a second of that.

Tony wanted to propose within the next couple months. Already has the ring in the bottom right dresser drawer. Peter doesn't look down there. He doesn't want to wait years to propose, and then a while after to get married. Tony hasn't doubted that Peter was who he'd marry, why should he have to wait?

He wanted a second opinion on the ring, however. And Pepper would be happy to hear this news. At least he'd hoped she would be.

• Peter •

I step off the elevator, seeing Tony and Bear wandering around the kitchen.

"Tony! You aren't supposed to be moving around to much. Dr. Banner said-"

He scoffed. "Dr. Banner blah blah blah. I'm okay bug. I've been stuck in that room for two weeks. I just needed a break." He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry."

He walked to the couch, turning on a Christmas movie.

"Tony, it's past Christmas." I laughed.

"Home Alone is not just for Christmas!" He yelled back.

I shook my head, grabbing a snack for us, then heading back to the couch.

"So how was school?"

I sigh, thinking of the few finals I have. "It was long and boring. And I'm literally only there for three hours but I have finals coming up. A load of crap."

Tony sent me a smile, patting my leg. "Hopefully tomorrow will be better."

I frown at him. That was weird. He always has something to say, or tell me about some new invention idea he has... Anything other than that.

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