part five

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the next day

Gabbie woke up this morning bright and early. 
She went for her morning run and came back home to exercise, while she was exercising she got a text message.

Gabbie: Gabster🤩
Lauren: Lauren 🤩

Lauren 🤩: hey wanna come over today?

Gabster 🤩: yeah of course, let me go ask my momma.

Lauren 🤩: ok text me what she says.

Gabster 🤩: ok I will.


Gabbie got off her phone and ran into her mom's bedroom. "Woah, woah what's wrong" her mom asked. "Nothing, I was just wondering if I can stay at Lauren's house tonight", she asked her mother. "Yeah, I don't mind", her mother told her. "Thank you mom".

She ran back upstairs into her room and texted her freind.

Gabbie: Gabster 🤩
Lauren : lauren 🤩

Gabster 🤩: hey my mom said I can come over!

Lauren 🤩: yay! Ok I'm going to pick up my room real quick.

Gabster 🤩: kk

chicken nuggets/Jaeden MartellWhere stories live. Discover now