part seven

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"well that was weird" Gabbie said out loud. She went downstairs to make her some breakfast. She decided to go with Avacodo Toast. when she went to sit down she heard her phone ding and she opened it to see a new message from jaeden.

Gabbie: Gabbie 🤩
Jaeden: Jaeden 😎

Jaeden 😎: hey, I'm sorry about Finn yesterday, he's kinda crazy.

Gabbie 🤩: haha, it's ok.

Jaeden 😎: ok, well wyd?

Gabbie 🤩: making breakfast.

Jaeden 😎: that's fun.

Gabbie 🤩: yeah. Wyd?

Jaeden 😎:nm, I'm about to go to Wyatt's house.

Gabbie 🤩: oh that's cool, I'm about to go to Lauren's house.

Jaeden 😎: oh how ironic. Anyways, I wanna know more about you.

Gabbie 🤩: yeah me too, wanna play 21 questions?

Jaeden 😎: yeah sure. You go first.

Gabbie 🤩: ok. Well what's your favorite color?

Jaeden 😎: I'd have to go with yellow or red.

Gabbie 🤩: oh those are my favorite colors too😂

Jaeden 😎: wow! Ok, what's your favorite movie?

Gabbie 🤩oh well, it's kinda weird but I love the movie it.

Jaeden 😎: haha, it's not weird. I like that movie too. Even though I'm in it.

Gabbie 🤩: yeah, I mean it's a pretty good movie. So when's your birthday?

Jaeden 😎: 😂, it's , January 3rd. Wbu?

Gabbie 🤩: mines on May 21st.

Jaeden 😎: oh so your 16?

Gabbie 🤩: yeah, and your 17? Right?

Jaeden 😎: yeah I just turned 17.

Gabbie 🤩: oh ok. So what your favorite food 😂?

Jaeden 😎: hmm, I would have to say Pizza. I know it's basic but you know it's so good. 😂

Gabbie 🤩: haha I agree, it's just so good.

Jaeden 😎: hey Im about to leave, maybe we can FaceTime later, so you can meet Wyatt?

Gabbie 🤩: yeah of course and you can meet Lauren!

Jaeden 😎: yeah that would be awesome.

Gabbie 🤩: kk, byeee!

Jaeden 😎: bye :)

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